Brands create spaces that aim to enhance mental fitness alongside physical
Implications - Brands are aiming to create all-encompassing fitness spaces by incorporating programs designed to boost mental health. Creating fitness studios and programs centered around this area of expertise caters to a niche consumer base concerned with enhanced customization when it comes to their health and wellness.
Workshop Question - How could your brand prioritize consumer desires for both physical and mental well-being?
Trend Themes
1. Mental Fitness Programs - Brands are creating fitness programs and spaces that center around promoting mental fitness alongside physical health.
2. Gamified Training - Brands are using gamification to create training programs that strengthen cognitive, neurological, and motor efficiency in users.
3. Jet Lag Solutions - Brands are developing solutions to the negative effects of jet lag, such as fitness classes and airline amenities.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Industry - The fitness industry is adapting to the trend of mental fitness in order to provide customers with more holistic wellness solutions.
2. Gamification Industry - The gamification industry can provide solutions for brands looking to incorporate fun and engaging mental and physical training programs.
3. Travel Industry - The travel industry can improve customer experiences by offering effective jet lag solutions like fitness classes and amenities.