Brands raise awareness for the 'Pink Tax' in the fight for gender equality
Implications - Brands are bringing awareness to the issue of the Pink Tax, where products targeted towards women and girls tend to be more expensive than those targeted towards men and boys. This discrepancy further entrenches economic inequality as it reduces women's buying power, a fact which is now slowly seeing both legislative and corporate changes. The readjustment of this subtle but hugely impactful form of discrimination speaks to the increased consumer awareness of how inequality impacts even minute, day-to-day decisions.
Workshop Question - How could your brand fight the Pink Tax?
Trend Themes
1. #rethinkpink and Other Campaigns Against Pink Tax - Campaigns and promotions to decrease the high price tags associated with women's works and products.
2. Feminist-first Shaving Companies - Companies with subscription box models providing women's toiletries at equal-to-or-lower-than-men price points.
3. Activist and Educational Games - Creating awareness of the Pink Tax discrimination through educational gaming.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods - Cater to humans' various needs through non-discriminatory pricing and messaging.
2. E-commerce and Subscription Boxes - Subscriptions providing women with feminine and personal care products and promoting equality could be the future of e-commerce.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Leverage new technologies, such as gamification, to completely comprehend customer sympathies and reveal hidden insights to lessen bias in advertising.
5 Featured, 43 Examples:
84,879 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 16 — Jul 18
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