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Functional Fashion

Underwear secrets that make modern fashions more comfortable and aesthetic

Implications - Fashion designers are getting more elaborate with their gowns, and often that means abnormal cuts and the chance of bra exposure. To address this, innovative lingerie designers have created underwear, bras and other covert accessories that hugely impact the success of modern fashions.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Lingerie - Lingerie designers are creating innovative solutions to address fashion designers' elaborate and challenging designs, creating a new niche of functional lingerie.
2. Virtual Fitting Rooms - Online lingerie stores are introducing interactive virtual fitting rooms to provide a more fun and engaging shopping experience, cutting down on traditional in-store shopping hassles for customers.
3. Smart Lingerie - Innovative lingerie is changing the game with embeded solar panels, smart sweat-wicking technologies and thermo-regulating materials that solve real-life problems and add an extra layer of functionality.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Fashion designers can take advantage of functional lingerie to create more elaborate and challenging designs without compromising on functionality.
2. E-commerce - The introduction of virtual fitting rooms in online lingerie stores is revolutionizing the way customers shop and providing a more engaging online shopping experience, creating opportunities for e-commerce businesses.
3. Wearable Technology - Smart lingerie is disrupting the industry by adding new functionalities that solve real-life problems, creating opportunities for developers to integrate these technologies into wearable devices.
8 Featured
1,000,677 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08
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Featured Examples

Butt Cleavage Fashion
Butt Cleavage Fashion
Posterior-Revealing Lingerie
The butt crack has been the new cleavage in fashion since the dawn of low rise jeans. Those low designs have mostly been attributed to risqué haute couture fashion designer Alexander McQueen; his designs… MORE
Virtual Lingerie Shopping
Virtual Lingerie Shopping
Knicker Picker
Knicker Picker has launched an online store that lets you shop for your next peice of lingerie in an extremely fun and interactive way. Now you can just sit at home skip the mall, busy crowds and long… MORE
Transformer Lingerie
Transformer Lingerie
Cover Cleavage With a 'Figs' Bra
When Victoria’s Secret announced they thought their image had become “too sexy” and irrelevant to their customers, much of the fashion world was confused. In order to create the shift to a less sex-related… MORE
Foot Lingerie
Foot Lingerie
Tootsie Shoppe
How boring is regular lingerie? We see it everywhere, from the pages of magazines to prominent highway billboards to housewives on TV shows; it's become so ubiquitous, it hardly warrants a second look.… MORE
Embossed Bodies
Embossed Bodies
Ninette van Kamp Lingerie
First we saw bed sheets that embossed messages on your body as you sleep, and now there is this body-embossing lingerie. "Ninette van Kamp is an interdisciplinary and interactive designer from the Netherlands… MORE
play_circle_filledSolar Powered Lingerie
Solar Powered Lingerie
Taiyoko Hatsuden Bra
Lingerie maker Triumph International Japan has been creating concept bras for a wide range of purposes for some time now. Their latest is the Taiyoko Hatsuden Bra, or Solar Power Bra. The bra features… MORE
Sweat Absorbing Lingerie
Sweat Absorbing Lingerie
NiteSweatz for Hot Flashes
Waking up in a bed drenched in your own perspiration isn't something any woman wants to endure, but thanks to NiteSweatz, an innovative sweat-wicking lingerie by Lesley Hatfield, you won't have to anymore.… MORE
Limited Edition Lingerie
Limited Edition Lingerie
La Perla's $1,000 Sultry Outfits
La Perla Limited Edition Sublime Collection may create the mood of fatal attraction. You'd hope so given that this little number will set you back just shy of $700. The Italian design is a lace and tulle… MORE
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(worth $1,500)