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Carbon Zilching

The variety of ways consumers and eco-conscious companies are going carbon neutral

Implications - Going “carbon neutral,” or having “zero carbon emissions,” has become a requisite for many companies. The new green standard requires that individuals and businesses reduce emissions so that there is no carbon released. Other strong movements are carbon offsetting project funding.
Trend Themes
1. Carbon Offsetting Projects - Carbon offsetting project funding is becoming a strong movement to reduce emissions and making businesses carbon neutral.
2. Zero Carbon Initiatives - The demand for more sustainable and eco-friendly offerings has led to the development of zero carbon buildings, products, and cities.
3. Carbon Footprint Reduction - The trend towards calculating and reducing carbon footprints is increasing, with consumers and businesses looking for ways to become more carbon neutral.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy and Sustainability - Renewable energy and sustainability industries can capitalize on the trend towards zero carbon initiatives and carbon offsetting projects by offering more eco-friendly alternatives.
2. Green Architecture and Urban Planning - Companies in green architecture and urban planning can take advantage of the trend towards zero carbon cities and buildings by offering sustainable architectural solutions.
3. Environmentally-friendly Consumer Products - Manufacturers of environmentally-friendly consumer products can seize the trend towards carbon footprint reduction by offering low-carbon, sustainable products and promoting their eco-friendly practices.
12 Featured
83,300 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 08 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

nUCLEUS: Zero Emissions, Ultra Fast
NonObject believes that a new breed of alternative fuel vehicles deserves a new level of experience. They pondered, "Why do motorcycles mimic each other's DNA or mirror ferocious animals from the wild?"… MORE
play_circle_filledBoats Powered by Human Fat (FOLLOW UP)
Boats Powered by Human Fat (FOLLOW UP)
Earthrace Sets Records
Despite being threatened by pirates and having almost been sunk by submerged logs, the Earthrace biodiesel trimaran (powered by recycled human fat) made the fastest trip around the world. This knocks 14… MORE
Cube-Shaped Eco Architecture
Cube-Shaped Eco Architecture
The Modular Dice House
The Dice House architectural concept is a zero carbon home designed to be used both as a stand alone house and as part of an attached multiple dwelling scheme. The 9x9 meter cube which sits on an octagonal… MORE
Carbon Neutral Flying Cars
Carbon Neutral Flying Cars
The Parajet Skycar
The Parajet Skycar, a biodiesel-powered, all-terrain dune buggy, doubles as a powered paraglider. It will be "the world’s first carbon neutral flying car," according to the company. The Skycar Expedition… MORE
Zero Carbon City
Zero Carbon City
Smith & Gill Design For Masdar City
The centerpiece of the world's first zero-carbon city, Masdar City, has been designed by a Chicago area firm, Adrian Smith & Gordon Gill. Its 1.4 million square feet will generate more energy than it… MORE
Fossil Fuel-Free Communities
Fossil Fuel-Free Communities
GEOS in Colorado
There is a lot of talk about alternative energy, but people in Arvada, Colorado, USA will soon be walking the talk if they live in the new GEOS community. They will be able to live in houses which do not… MORE
Buy Carbon Offsets
Buy Carbon Offsets
Are you concerned with your carbon footprint? Dial into Zerofootprint and calculate your carbon output. Zerofootprint is a startup organization that is turning heads in the area of sustainable commerce.… MORE
City Facelift Competitions
City Facelift Competitions
Carbon Neutral Liverpool Observatory
The competition to make Liverpool a location known as something other than the birthplace of the Beatles is over, and Duggan Morris Architects won. 92 entries from around the world covet this opportunity.… MORE
Round-the-World Green Flights
Round-the-World Green Flights
Solar-Cell Hy-Bird
The Hy-Bird, a hydrogen-powered electric airplane that gets 10% of its power through solar-cells, is made of super-lightweight (and expensive) carbon fibre. The French company behind it, Lisa Airplanes,… MORE
Drinking Rain To Offset Carbon Emissions
Drinking Rain To Offset Carbon Emissions
Tasmanian Rain
Doing your part to offset carbon emissions could be as simple as drinking bottled rain from the skies of northwestern Tasmania, Australia at "The Edge of the World." The World Meteorological Organization… MORE
Carbon Neutral Clothing
Carbon Neutral Clothing
Marks & Spencer to Sell Carbon Neutral Underwear
The green movement is moving slowly in the right direction. Marks & Spencer, the largest UK clothes producer, announced that it would be selling carbon neutral underwear. The pieces are produced in a… MORE
Carbon Capturing Power Plants
Carbon Capturing Power Plants
Is This The Answer To Global Warming?
A new type of coal fired power plant is set to be put into commission this week in Northen Germany, and will be the first coal fired power station to emit ZERO carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The… MORE
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