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Alimental Envisaging

The shift in cutlery and eating utensil design as cuisine is globalized

Implications - As cuisines become more diversified, people are learning to adapt their palates to novel flavors while at the same time becoming keen apprentices of cultural consumption methods. Designers are creating unique innovations and hybridized cutlery to compliment the new world food menu.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Cutlery - Innovations like Spudware and Din-ink's biodegradable cutlery present a huge opportunity for eco-conscious business professionals looking to disrupt the industry and reduce our carbon footprint.
2. DIY Cutlery Solutions - The success of the DIY chopsticks highlights a growing trend of consumers eager to solve everyday problems firsthand, creating an opportunity for brands to create unique DIY cutlery kits that cater to this growing demographic.
3. Innovative Flavored Cutlery - The Ham-infused fork's popularity highlights a growing trend of consumers looking for unique and unusual dining experiences, presenting a golden opportunity for chefs and restaurants to think outside the box and create cutlery that can elevate the dining experience.
Industry Implications
1. Eco-friendly Products - Innovative, environmentally-friendly cutlery products like Spudware and Din-ink's biodegradable cutlery represent a disruptive innovation opportunity for the eco-friendly products industry.
2. DIY Industry - The growing trend of consumers seeking to solve everyday problems themselves with DIY solutions makes it an opportune time for brands to create unique DIY cutlery kits that cater to this increasingly popular demographic.
3. Hospitality Industry - The trend of innovative cutlery and flavor-infused utensils presents an excellent opportunity for chefs and restaurants to create unique dining experiences and standout from competitors in the competitive hospitality industry.
7 Featured, 1 Examples:
54,919 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 07 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Eco Potato Cutlery
Eco Potato Cutlery
No, I am not talking about potato shaped knives or forks, but cutlery made for a mixture of potato starch and soybean oil. Spudware as it is called, is as strong as plastic can be reused, and when disposed,… MORE
Cutlery Pen Caps for Dining in 2015
Cutlery Pen Caps for Dining in 2015
Din-ink is so much more than just a pen cap as I’m sure you’ve noticed. It’s pen cap cutlery. Spoon, Fork and knife caps that conveniently fit over the end of your pen so you can do your homework… MORE
Melted Utensils
Melted Utensils
Exhausted Cutlery by Kathryn Hinton
Rough day at the office? Barely dragged yourself home? Then you need this Exhausted Cutlery for your dinner... that is if you can manage to cook one. This fluid-looking cutlery - fork, spoon and knife… MORE
Anti-Waste Cutlery
Anti-Waste Cutlery
Yogurt Spoon
If you're like me, you try to not leave any food on your plate and attempt to get every last bit of goodness even out of your yogurt containers. It's a habit instilled by my parents who taught me wasting… MORE
Westernizing Asian Cutlery
Westernizing Asian Cutlery
DIY Chopsticks
Do you run into problems when eating Asian food because you can't quite figure out how to use chopsticks? If you're prone to flicking rice everywhere or shooting sushi across restaurants, stop disturbing… MORE
Flavored Cutlery
Flavored Cutlery
The Ham-Infused Fork
There’s a new fork on the block that’s perfect if you want everything you eat to taste like ham. It is forking ridiculous but despite being in my late 20’s, I love the straws that turn milk into flavored… MORE
Toucan Inspired Cutlery
Toucan Inspired Cutlery
Tukaani Chopsticks
Lots of people can't use chopsticks properly; takes practice and some skill to first, hold two sticks in your hand, and then coordinate them so they can grip the food. If you've ever struggled to eat your… MORE
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