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Mobile Style

Cell phones have gone from sending text messages to being messages themselves

Implications - Just like cars reveal characteristics of their owners, cell phones are becoming indicators of their users too. From green to Buddhist phones, combining heightened technology with new designs, mobile phones are answering the consumer desire to differentiate themselves from the masses.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendliness - Designers need to innovate to answer the same functional demands while incorporating greener ways and not sacrificing on design.
2. Specialization - Customized mobile phones are becoming more specialized to cater to niche markets like religious groups, seniors, and people with disabilities.
3. Luxury - Design is becoming the focal point of cellphones targeted at consumers interested in upscale fashion and luxury products.
Industry Implications
1. Sustainability - Businesses involved in eco-friendly materials and processes can capitalize on the increasing demand for green technology in the cellphone industry.
2. Healthcare - The development of diabetes management systems integrated into cellphones presents opportunities for healthcare providers and medical tech companies.
3. Fashion and Luxury Goods - Fashion designers and luxury brands can collaborate with cellphone manufacturers to create high-end customized cellphones that appeal to their target market.
12 Featured, 12 Examples:
277,488 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 08 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Eco Cell Phone Shell
Eco Cell Phone Shell
Bamboo Chute Phone
In a time where the eco-friendliness of a product or service is a primary concern of consumers, designers need to innovate to answer the same functional demands while incorporating greener ways and not… MORE
11 Solar Cell Phone Technologies
11 Solar Cell Phone Technologies
As consumers gain a heightened sense of responsibility for the environment, they're seeking out innovative energy alternatives to power their electronics, and that includes the ultimate must-have gadget,… MORE
Religious Phones
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Buddhist Nokia N70
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Uzi Mobile
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Mobiles for Seniors
Mobiles for Seniors
The Fit Phone
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Financial Abundance Phones
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Health Management Mobiles
Health Management Mobiles
The Pantech Inhealth Cell Phone
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Disney Cell Phones
Disney Cell Phones
The Cinderella Mobile from Sharp
In collaboration with Sharp, Walt Disney unveiled a range of mobile phones under the code "Cinderella". The phone is currently reserved for distribution in the Asian market where it is available in Pink… MORE
Phones for the Disabled
Phones for the Disabled
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Kids Safety Cell Phones
Kids Safety Cell Phones
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Cell Phones for Diabetics
Cell Phones for Diabetics
The Infopia LG Glucophone
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