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Culinary Reconditioning

Reinventing cultural staples like pizza lures curious consumers

Implications - Pizza is one of the principle foods in the “junk food” category, but it’s also a dish that’s constantly being reinvented. From green pizzas to pizzas in cones, there are few limitations on what chefs can concoct. Reinventing the traditional breathes new life to old items.
Trend Themes
1. Personalization - The trend of personalization has hit the pizza industry, allowing customers to create and name their own pizza, and even add it to the menu for others to enjoy.
2. Innovative Crusts - The pizza industry is constantly pushing the limits on what can be considered a traditional crust, with examples like cone-shaped crusts and even utilizing innovative ingredients like cauliflower crusts.
3. Digital DIY - Online pizza builders and mobile pizza ordering apps are becoming more popular, allowing customers to create and order their own pizzas from the comfort of their own home.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can use personalization and innovative packaging to stand out in a crowded market.
2. Technology - The pizza industry's move towards digital DIY shows the need for businesses to adapt to changing technological trends and offer customers more convenience and personalized experiences.
3. Design - The design industry can learn from the innovative pizza crust designs and unique packaging options used by the pizza industry to stand out in a highly competitive marketplace.
7 Featured, 3 Examples:
190,467 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08

Featured Examples

Pizza Cutters for Bikers
Pizza Cutters for Bikers
Hardcore chopper design has overflowed from the world of motorcycling and into the kitchen. These Chopper-Motorcycle-Inspired-Pizza-Cutters were designed by artist Frankie Flood. The different styles… MORE
play_circle_filledBatman Pizza
Batman Pizza
The New Gotham City Pizza at Domino's
Domino's Pizza is trying to capitalize on the huge viral buzz of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, with a special pizza. The New Gotham City Pizza comes in a special Gotham City Pizza Box, and is… MORE
Ugly Pizza
Ugly Pizza
Difficult Branding?
This has got be one of the most challenging packaging art directions ever. I mean, what direction do you go when the name of the pizza is UGLY? Let’s start with the brand name. Ugly Pizza is a new product… MORE
Personalize Your Pizza Online
Personalize Your Pizza Online
Domino's Pizza Builder
In the US, Domino's Pizza recently created an online "pizza builder" that is quite amusing. The cool thing is that once you're done with your creativity, you can actually save your pizza and/or place… MORE
Specialty Pizza Named After You
Specialty Pizza Named After You
Domino's Big Fantastic Deal
Domino's is allowing online users to create their own pizza, name it, and add it to their menu for others to order and enjoy. They call it BFD Builder, aka Big Fantastic Deal. Users can choose from 4 types… MORE
Two in One Utensils- The Pizza Pro
Two in One Utensils- The Pizza Pro
The Pizza Pro is a new great invention that will allow you slice and serve your pizza with ease. It combines kitchen shears with a wedge-shaped spatula so you can slice with one hand without ever losing… MORE
Cone Crusts
Cone Crusts
Have you ever been inconvenienced while downing a slice of pizza while in a rush? Or fallen victim to sloppy pizza toppings landing on your lap? Or even worse, losing a whole pizza that fell off your plate?… MORE
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