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Pain Fashion

Making a statment with the shocking facade of pain

Implications - Whether these innovations really inflict pain or not, all are intended to look like they do. Creating this disturbing illusion helps keep people at bay, a reflection of the “look at me, but leave me alone” phenom. People partaking in these practices are often labeled “emo,” the new “goth.”
Trend Themes
1. Illusion of Pain - Creating disturbing designs that give the illusion of pain, and make people keep their distance, is a growing trend in fashion that can be adopted in other industries as a way to stand out.
2. Extreme Accessories - Incorporating dangerous or taboo objects like razor blades into accessories is becoming more popular, and can be recreated by companies as a way to appeal to an edgier demographic.
3. Body Modification - Pushing the boundaries of body modification is becoming more mainstream, and could be utilized by businesses in industries such as wearable tech as a way to differentiate and stand out.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry is a natural fit for the trend of creating shocking designs that give the illusion of pain, and can also benefit from the trend of incorporating extreme accessories.
2. Personal Care - Industries involved in personal care, such as beauty and cosmetic products, could adapt the trend of body modification to offer more unique and extreme products to consumers.
3. Technology - Companies in the technology industry, such as wearable tech or augmented reality, could incorporate the trend of body modification as a way to differentiate their products and offer a more unique user experience.
9 Featured, 4 Examples:
2,103,955 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08
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