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Blackouts in Unision

Earth Hour 2008 was the largest voluntary electric power-down in history

Implications - On March 29, 2008, over 50 million people voluntarily shut off their lights for 60 minutes. The WWF Earth Hour initiative had participants in 370 cities in 25 countries turn off all electronics as a collaborative visual statement to express the care people share for the planet.
Trend Themes
1. Global Participation in Earth Hour 2008 - Earth Hour 2008 was the largest voluntary electric power-down in history with over 50 million people voluntarily shutting off their lights for 60 minutes in 370 cities in 25 countries, indicating a growing global awareness of the importance of environmentalism.
2. Corporate Participation in Earth Hour 2008 - Major corporations such as Fairmont Royal York Hotel and McDonald's joined in Earth Hour 2008 to demonstrate their corporate responsibility and commitment to environmentalism, creating potential disruptive innovation opportunities in sustainable business practices.
3. Youth-led Earth Hour Participation - Students in Maxwell Secondary School in Malaysia were inspired by the Earth Hour message and started spreading the awareness in their community and school, indicating a growing youth-led movement for environmentalism and potential disruptive innovation opportunities in sustainable education.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Participation by hotels such as Fairmont Royal York Hotel and restaurants serves as an opportunity for the hospitality industry to implement sustainable business practices and attract environmentally-conscious customers.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility - Earth Hour 2008 serves as a global event that encourages major corporations to publicly demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.
3. Education - Youth-led participation in Earth Hour 2008 highlights the importance of sustainable education and potentially disruptive innovations in sustainable education practices.
10 Featured
34,240 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 08 — Sep 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

play_circle_filledEarth Hour 2008
Earth Hour 2008
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Guerrilla School Story)
The message of Earth Hour 2008 is that helping earth starts with us as individuals. Turning the lights off at our own home for one hour sends a message that small acts of awareness, no matter how insignificant,… MORE
play_circle_filledWorld Shuts Light Off for the Environment
World Shuts Light Off for the Environment
Earth Hour
Here’s your chance to take action and show the leaders of the world that you care and are deeply concerned about the wellbeing of our planet. All it takes is one hour of your time and doesn’t require… MORE
play_circle_filledEarth Hour 2008
Earth Hour 2008
Times Square Shuts off Billboards
On Saturday, March 29th, from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, millions of people world-wide will be celebrating Earth Hour. Participants will shut off lights and TVs, and go dark for the event, which is in support… MORE
Google Goes Black For Earth Hour
Google Goes Black For Earth Hour
Remember Blackle?
To mark Earth Hour, Google has changed its background to be all black. This is fascinating because it reminds us of Blackle. Last July, a site called 'Blackle' launched a black-background search engine… MORE
Participating in Earth Hour
Participating in Earth Hour
Fairmont Royal York Hotel
Just a reminder that Earth Hour is coming up this Saturday. If you're not sure what that is, read our previous article, embedded below. For those who aren't aware, it could come as a shock if the lights… MORE
Earth Hour: Hawaii
Earth Hour: Hawaii
Pearl Harbor Residences Will Go Dark
Over 5,500 residential units at Schofield Barracks and 2,000 at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii will go dark Saturday night. Both bases will sponsor family movie nights with projectors powered… MORE
Earth Hour 2008
Earth Hour 2008
Dark Sky Week In Harmony, Florida
In my neck of the woods, we will be attending Earth Hour in Harmony, Florida. It's such a blast! With millions turning their lights off in Osceola county at 8:00 p.m., in Harmony, folks are encouraged… MORE
play_circle_filledCanada's Green Commitment
Canada's Green Commitment
Earth Hour 2008
Hundreds of countries around the world will be participating in Earth Hour this Saturday, but Canada is one of the most keen with 1 in 606 signed on to participate (the US only has 1 in 5,347 committed.)… MORE
Earth Hour 2008
Earth Hour 2008
All over the world people are participating in Earth Hour, committing to turning off their lights from 8 pm to 9 pm. Although no cities in Germany have agreed to take public initiatives to join "Stunde… MORE
Earth Hour 2008
Earth Hour 2008
Sydney, Australia
Earth Hour has already happened in Sydney, Australia, 12 months after they started the first event which has now become a global movement. Anyone into the global campaign is curious to know the results.… MORE
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