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Advertisements and campaigns that raise awareness for global warming

Implications - After Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth made its global impression, campaigns against global warming became hot forms of advertising. Not everyone was eco-interested then, but 2008’s surge in gas prices peaked interests in new demographics seeking to prevent global warming-related disasters.
Trend Themes
1. Earthvertising - Campaigns against global warming have become popular forms of advertising, thanks to Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' and surging gas prices.
2. Animal and Ocean Consciousness - Advertising around the extinction and pollution of animals and oceans has become more prevalent as people become increasingly aware of environmental concerns.
3. Sustainability Through Design - As rising fuel prices and environmental concerns influence people to adopt sustainable habits, designers and artists have embraced sustainability in their works, raising awareness on fuel dependency and oil consumption.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Tapping into global events to raise awareness of environmental concerns is becoming an interesting trend in advertising.
2. Tourism and Recreation - Tourist destinations such as the Vancouver Aquarium and The Lunuganga in Sri Lanka are adopting eco-friendly techniques to reinforce their sustainable reputation.
3. Art and Design - Using creative methods such as the International Fiber Collaborative to raise awareness about oil dependency, artists and designers are using their craft to create innovative solutions that reinforce sustainability and eco-friendliness.
7 Featured, 3 Examples:
81,756 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Sep 08

Featured Examples

Killing Animals For Oil
Killing Animals For Oil
Toyota Prius Awareness Campaign
This Toyota Prius campaign depicts a stark truth: draining fuel from mother earth is like taking life away. Use less fuel and you have more life. The message is delivered with simple illustrations, by… MORE
Animal Extinction Awareness Ads
Animal Extinction Awareness Ads
Frogs Forever at Vancouver Aquarium
Want to have a glimpse of what our world would be like if frogs were to become extinct? Well, judging by the new ad campaign from Vancouver Aquarium, you will have an outbreak of bugs and insects everywhere,… MORE
play_circle_filledGas Station Art Projects
Gas Station Art Projects
International Fiber Collective For Oil Dependency Awareness
The world’s first fabric-covered gas station is the work of artist Jennifer Marsh who was both sick of paying high gas prices and tired of seeing the 50-year-old eyesore on her daily commute. She organised… MORE
play_circle_filledGiant Green Projections
Giant Green Projections
Earth Images at Grand Central NYC
April 22 is Earth Day, but New Yorkers are limiting their thanks for the earth to one single day. The green celebration has turned into one that's being called Earth Weekend as it extends from April 14… MORE
Flood Awareness Furniture
Flood Awareness Furniture
The Lunuganga
WOKmedia came up with the Lunuganga branch shelf as a "response to the flooded, jungley environment" they experienced in Sri Lanka, and the culture shock they experienced. They wanted to take a reminder… MORE
Interactive Eco Awareness
Interactive Eco Awareness
Using an outline of a world map, BreathingEarth shows graphic illustrations to bring awareness to environmental issues. At the bottom of the atlas is a counter that is constantly updated with numbers representing… MORE
Ocean Pollution Awareness Ads
Ocean Pollution Awareness Ads
Cataluña's Clean Mediterranean Campaign
We've seen a few campaigns designed to bring awareness to pollution of the sea, and here's another publicity campaign created by the Government of Cataluña. Their hope is that the visual ads will help… MORE
Trend Report Pop Up
Trend Report Pop Up
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