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Modern Religion

Even Catholicism is getting a modern twist

Implications - Younger generations are approaching religion in a very different way, and some churches are trying to adapt. The Pope even tried to appeal to more environmentally-conscious demographics by adding new sins which pertain to the maltreatment of our planet.
Trend Themes
1. Modernizing Religion - Younger generations are approaching religion in a different way, leading to modernized religious practices.
2. Green Religion - Religious institutions are including environmental concerns in their teachings and actions.
3. Digital Spirituality - Religious groups are expanding their reach through digital means, including social media and text messaging.
Industry Implications
1. Design - Designers have the opportunity to create modern and unique religious products, including churches and religious-themed fashion.
2. Hospitality and Food - Former churches are being repurposed into unique dining spaces and culinary experiences.
3. Technology - Religious institutions are embracing technology to expand their reach and connect to younger generations.
12 Featured, 7 Examples:
324,989 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 06 — Nov 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Inflatable Church
Inflatable Church
Make Your Wedding Cheesy
Getting married outdoors has been fraught with perilous weather like wind and rain since time began. That's why it's about time someone came up with the uber-cool and very helpful, inflatable church. You've… MORE
Lego Replicas
Lego Replicas
Abston Church of Christ by Amy Hughes
I'm usually not much of a Lego fanatic but this replica of a church is a masterpiece. The incredible attention to detail is just amazing from the organ player to the religious icons, to the ceiling candelabra… MORE
Cross Shaped MP3 Players
Cross Shaped MP3 Players
Saint B and iBelieve
Moscow-based Man Works Design has created the Saint B - an MP3 player in the shape of a cross. It's not the first cross shaped MP3 design. The iBelieve is a small converter that lets you carry your iPod… MORE
Digital Religion
Digital Religion
Pope Reaches Out With Text Messages
For his age, it's incredible how modern Pope Benedict XVI is. In his latest approach to expand his global appeal, the Pope is reaching out to youth by sending out thousands of text messages with inspirational… MORE
Designer Churches
Designer Churches
St. Bartholomew's Church by Maxim Velcovsky
What happens when hip designers makeover classic churches? The result is intriguing. St. Bartholomew’s Church has been redesigned by Jakub Berdych of Qubus Studio. The church features Persian rugs, rough-cut… MORE
Culinary Church Conversions
Culinary Church Conversions
The White Rabbit Restaurant
Takenouchi and Webb, architects from Indonesia, remodeled a historic building that used to house a church, and have turned into a restaurant called The White Rabbit. Although this may sound a bit outlandish,… MORE
Political Publicity Parodies
Political Publicity Parodies
Benedict vs. Obama: POPE Parodies HOPE
ANIMAL has commissioned artist Michael Ian Weinfeld to create this limited edition "POPE" print of Benedict XVI. The occasion? To commemorate Benedict's first visit to New York City as Pontiff. The… MORE
Christian Fashion Statement
Christian Fashion Statement
Cross MP3 Player with Bible Audio
What would Jesus listen to? Christian form meets function meet fashion with this cruxifix shaped mp3 player necklace, containing 17 hour of the New Testament audio Bible. Distributed in the United States… MORE
Commercializing Religion
Commercializing Religion
The Pope is for Sale (and His Bobble Head)
"The pope is for sale," ntoes the New York Daily News. Pope Benedict XVI's imminent visit to the United States has unleashed a totally expected wave of commercialism. The article notes, "Memorabilia on… MORE
play_circle_filledChurch on Youtube
Church on Youtube
Community Churches Get Digital
Want to attend a Christmas mass without the discomfort of leaving your home (or computer)? St. Michael's Cathedral and St. Basil's Church (both in Toronto) broadcast a daily feed on TV and YouTube. What… MORE
Church In Bars
Church In Bars
Far Fetched Ways To Water Down God
Are you such a party animal that you can't bear to tear youself away from the club scene.... even to go to church? Never fear. The church will come to you. Stay as you are, have a drink (have as many as… MORE
Vatican Makes Green Updates
Vatican Makes Green Updates
Modern Day Sins Include Pollution
The Vatican has updated the list of sins to include modern day evils like environmental disregard. Today's soul's need to take bioethics into consideration if they want to live in purity and land themselves… MORE
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