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Solar Commute

Public transportation is being transformed to utilize solar power

Implications - With cities being some of the largest contributors to climate change, it is only fitting that something as universal as urban commutes are being redesigned to harness solar energy. By focusing on reducing carbon emissions, brands and governments are creating higher standards for the quality of oft-dreaded commutes. As climate change will have negative impacts on everything from the weather to businesses, it works in brands' best interests to help mitigate its effects by creating alternative solutions to traditional, but environmentally harmful practices.
Workshop Question - How can your brand promote positive causes in a way that benefits individual consumer experiences?
Trend Themes
1. Solar-powered Transportation - Solar power in transportation is becoming more viable and efficient, enabling eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions that are disrupting traditional transportation methods.
2. Electric Bus Technology - Electric buses are becoming more popular and quicker to recharge, offering a more cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution for public transportation.
3. Pedal-powered Vehicles - Pedal-powered vehicles that incorporate solar power and sustainable materials are providing eco-friendly and practical transportation solutions in urban areas.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry is being disrupted by emerging technologies that offer more sustainable and cost-effective solutions.
2. Renewable Energy - The renewable energy industry is expanding as solar power becomes more efficient and cost-effective for a variety of applications.
3. Sustainable Materials - The demand for sustainable materials in transportation is increasing as consumers seek eco-friendly products and brands respond with innovative, environmentally conscious solutions.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
146,085 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 16 — Aug 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

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