Extra airport services help travelers relax between flights
Implications - Traveling is often a stressful affair, and consumers typically have no choice but to remain in an agitated frenzied state as they check their baggage, pass through security and wait for their time to board. More airports, however, are now offering extra services and amenities to help alleviate traveler stress. These range from areas dedicated to yoga practice to mini motels and even playgrounds, all of which help consumers calm down and relax before takeoff. A marketing opportunity exists here for brands -- for example, IKEA has taken advantage of this development -- that can contribute to the growing demand for relaxation products and services at airports.
Trend Themes
1. Airport Wellness - More airports are now offering extra services and amenities to help alleviate traveler stress.
2. Personal Space Solutions - Designer Caspar Lohner has created this contemporary pod for peace and quiet, called SleepBox.
3. Innovative Airport Services - OTG Management is an airport concession operator, and it has just announced that it will roll out 7,000 iPads for free traveler use across three major airports.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - There is a new opportunity for hotels to offer customers a private, personal space, precisely where and when they need it.
2. Airline Industry - The airline industry can enhance traveler experiences, by partnering or providing services alongside innovative companies such as IKEA, Gensler and OTG Management.
3. Design - Designers have the opportunity to create innovative spaces such as the SFO Yoga Room and The Schiphol Departure Lounge 4, and provide solutions that have a positive impact on travelers and reduce stress.