Businesses finding new approaches to helping at-risk youth
Implications - The number of youth-run businesses is on the rise as more youth programs launch special businesses that contribute to the development of at-risk youth. According to Mentoring.org, a whopping 18 million young people, which is almost 50 percent of the population of youth consumers between 10 and 18 years old, live in situations that put them at risk of not living up to their potential. And while getting at-risk youth involved in an activity that interests them is important, giving them the right tools to manage a project or enterprise contributes to their individual growth and learning. These innovative approaches to business-building guide and support youth, helping them to develop by taking on positions that require them to act responsibly, make decisions and function as part of teams.
Trend Themes
1. Youth Entrepreneurship Programs - Programs that encourage and support youth entrepreneurship are on the rise as they give at-risk youth the right tools necessary to manage a project, and enterprise.
2. Skills and Training Programs for Youth - Innovative programs that provide marketable skills and training to at-risk and street-involved youth are gaining traction.
3. Altruistic Apprenticeships - More social initiative programs like Capital Conflict Management are being established to provide at-risk youth with a trained skill set and credible, marketable body of knowledge.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality and Food Service - Social enterprises backed by the hospitality and food service industry are providing career opportunities and a supportive environment to at-risk, formerly-incarcerated, and foster care young people.
2. Courier and Delivery Services - For-profit courier businesses with a strong social mission such as TurnAround Couriers in Toronto are gaining traction as a positive and innovative force for change.
3. Digital Content and Creative Services - Innovative digital literacy and employment programs like the New Found Network are connecting budding talent with social purpose organizations at a cost-effective rate.
7 Featured, 54 Examples:
758,482 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 12 — Jul 12
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