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Social Conscience Media

Online networks provide new channels for spreading activist initiatives

Implications - With consumers flooding social networks, surfing the Internet daily and connecting to the web via their phones, social media provides a major channel of reach for charitable donations and social cause awareness. Applied to activism, social media can leverage the relationships between individuals, taking causes to a level never before seen with traditional forms of fundraising and campaigning.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media for Activism - Social media provides a major channel of reach for charitable donations and social cause awareness and leverages the relationships between individuals, taking causes to a new level never before seen with traditional forms of fundraising and campaigning.
2. Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes - The TwitChange auction and #beatcancer fundraising efforts demonstrate how crowdfunding can be used for charitable causes, and disrupts traditional fundraising methods.
3. Mobile Apps for Social Activism - Mobile apps like MoGO Oil Spill Effected Wildlife and social networks like Refugees United demonstrate the power of mobile technology to assist in social activism, and create opportunities for innovation in the development of social activism technology.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit Organizations - Social media, crowdfunding, and mobile technology can bring new opportunities for non-profits to fundraise, connect with potential donors and volunteers, and reach a wider audience to advance their causes.
2. Social Media Platforms - Social media platforms can leverage their networks to facilitate charitable donations, connect users with charitable causes and organizations, and explore new ways to promote activism within their networks.
3. Mobile Technology - Mobile technology can be used to assist in social activism, create platforms for connecting individuals with charitable organizations and efforts, and facilitate crowdfunding for social causes and non-profits.
7 Featured, 60 Examples:
516,351 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 09 — Sep 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Collaborative Twitter Fundraising
Collaborative Twitter Fundraising
PayPal, eBay & MillerCoors Step Up to #BeatCancer
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play_circle_filledEpic Online Activism
Epic Online Activism
Social Media to Fund Malaria Stricken Countries
In March of 2010, a social media connection took a unique stand to fund Malaria affected countries and the worldwide population by conveying the message instantaneously and compellingly. The results were… MORE
Auctioning off Twitter Followers
Auctioning off Twitter Followers
The TwitChange Auction Sells off Celebrity Followers
The TwitChange auction is changing the way people donate to charity. This website auctions off celebrity Twitter services, with all proceeds going towards charity. You can bid on a celebrity to have him/her… MORE
Eco-Activism Apps
Eco-Activism Apps
'Mogo Oil Spill Effected Wildlife' App Lets you Help the Cause from your Phone
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play_circle_filledSocial Networks for Refugees
Social Networks for Refugees
Refugees United Reconnects Lost Loved Ones
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play_circle_filledSocial Conscience Media
Social Conscience Media Will Connect Users to Non-Profit Organizations
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play_circle_filledSocial Media Charity Cycles
Social Media Charity Cycles
Precious the Tweeting Bike Raises Money for Livestrong
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