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Tangible Printing

3D printing expands into different industries, becomes more accessible

Implications - The technology of 3D printing used to be mainly reserved for firms with large financial resources, but lower costs have increased its accessibility. Since 3D printing allows for prototyping in all of its forms, it is gaining mainstream momentum in industries like fashion, architecture and health, with DIY concepts even carving a path into the homes of consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Increased Accessibility of 3D Printing - Lower costs have made 3D printing more accessible and it is gaining momentum in mainstream industries, from fashion to architecture and health.
2. Pushing the Limits on Advancement - Products that push limits on advancement and appeal to those who desire innovation in their purchases can help increase revenue.
3. Eco-friendly 3D Printed Textiles - 3D printable textiles made from ink cartridges and powered plastic that conform to the contours of the skin are likely to become a popular eco-friendly alternative.
Industry Implications
1. Manufacturing - Lower costs to accessibility of 3D printing will disrupt traditional models of manufacturing in the short and medium term.
2. Fashion - From 3D printed nylon shoes to eco-friendly printable clothing, 3D printing is disrupting the fashion industry.
3. Renewable Energy - Printed solar panels will disrupt the renewable energy industry by slashing production costs of solar panels.
10 Featured, 82 Examples:
2,013,707 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 10 — Aug 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

3D Printed Body Armor
3D Printed Body Armor
Iron Man 2 Suits Were Made with Hi-Tech 3D Printers
A new wave of costume design has hit Hollywood: the Iron Man 2 suits from the box-office-crushing hit were by a 3D printer. The 3D printer by Object Geometries, to be exact. The Iron Man 2 suits worn… MORE
Printed 3D Nylon Shoes
Printed 3D Nylon Shoes
The Pauline Van Dongen 'Metamorphosis' Line at The Future of Fashion
Printed masterpieces in 3D are slowly overtaking the world, from architecture to ceramics and now, with the Pauline Van Dongen 'Metamorphosis' collection, fashion. A line of simple, stylish heels, Metamorphosis… MORE
play_circle_filled3D Printable Textiles
3D Printable Textiles
Eco-Friendly Printable Clothing is Like Modern Chain Mail
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3D Printed Clothing (UPDATE)
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The Freedom of Creation Textiles Show Permanently at MoMA
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Printable Architecture
Printable Architecture
The Enrico Dini 3D Printed Building is the First of its Kind
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play_circle_filledAutomated Art
Automated Art
Shapeways' Glass 3D Printing Creates Incredible Designs
An experimental process, Shapeways’ glass 3D printing, uses recycled soda-lime glass. Glass powder is sintered—heated until it sticks together but doesn’t melt— then fired in a kiln. The end result is… MORE
play_circle_filled3D Food Printers
3D Food Printers
Nico Klaber's 'Moleculaire' Makes Cooking a Push-Button Project
Nico Kläber’s Moléculaire is one of the eight finalists in the Electrolux Design Lab Challenge. I guess that if this technology appeals to the public, there might come a day when you’ll wake up in… MORE
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3D Printed Animation
Dutch TV Program Het Klokhuis Gets Stellar Intro from Johnny Kelly and Jethro
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Printable Solar Panels
Printable Solar Panels
Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Center Unveils World's First Printed Solar Cell
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DIY Duplicate Keys
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'While You Sleep' by Oscar Diaz Lets You Print Your Own Keys
'While You Sleep' by Oscar Diaz is a design for duplicate keys using a 3D printer. Diaz's creation lets the user customize the keys' shape as a visual guide to their respective locks. The hole in the center… MORE

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