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Reduced Pop-Up

Waste-reducing pop-ups highlight environmental consumerism

Trend - Brands in the fashion and food industries are creating pop-up shops that highlight their products while producing zero or reduced waste. This shift comes as brands within this space aim to differentiate themselves from the negative environmental impact that's associated with their industries, while catering to the rise of eco-conscious consumerism.

Insight - As consumers better understand the impact that their lifestyles have on the environment and ongoing climate crisis, they're becoming more conscientious about how they spend their money, and which brands they give it to. For the modern consumer, brands that prioritize sustainability in all aspects of their business–including in their brick-and-mortar locations–are best aligned with their personal values.
Workshop Question - How could your brand establish itself as a leader in environmentally friendly production or positioning?
Trend Themes
1. Zero-waste Pop-up Shops - Brands are increasingly creating pop-up shops that feature zero or reduced waste, catering to eco-conscious consumerism.
2. Reusable and Upcycled Products - Pop-up shops are utilizing reusable and upcycled products to promote sustainability and environmentalism.
3. Menu Items Using Food Scraps - Pop-up shops and street food trucks are serving menu items made with commonly wasted food items to promote food waste reduction.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Fashion brands are creating zero-waste pop-up shops and utilizing sustainable materials to reduce environmental impact.
2. Food Industry - Food brands are creating zero-waste pop-up shops and street food trucks that promote food waste reduction and offer sustainably-sourced ingredients.
3. Cleaning Industry - Cleaning product brands are creating pop-up shops and cafes that promote waste reduction and offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cleaning products.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
86,916 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 18 — Sep 19
Consumer Insight Topics:

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