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Phone Case Function

Phone cases are enhanced as they are designed with various new functions

Implications - With phone cases being a part of consumers' daily lives, brands are taking advantage of this fact by offering cases designed with functions separate from protecting phones from damage. The streamlining of multiple functions in this condensed form gives brands the ability to be involved with an enormous aspect of consumers' lives, while giving consumers the convenience-based incentives they crave in their purchase decisions.
Workshop Question - How can your brand find ways to insert itself into customer lifestyles in a way that is familiar and convenient?
Trend Themes
1. Multifunctional Phone Cases - The integration of multiple functions in phone cases opens opportunities for brands to offer new convenience-based incentives to consumers.
2. Scientific Smartphone Cases - Developing phone cases with scientific equipment, such as iMICROSCOPE case, acknowledges the shift towards more mobile technologies and multi-use of devices.
3. Smartphone Lens Enhancement - Smartphone lens cases, such as the SPLENDOR case, help make the quality of photos better, and provide opportunities for brands to offer add-on features to expand camera capabilities.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Technology - Mobile technology is a rapidly changing industry where creative new products, such as multifunctional phone cases, can open up new markets and demand for tomorrow.
2. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics is an industry that benefits significantly from innovative accessories, such as smartphone lens enhancements, that can increase the value of a device.
3. Healthcare - Healthcare is an industry where developing phone cases with biometric sensors, such as blood pressure-monitoring cases, can provide health tracking capabilities that are innovative and useful.
5 Featured, 43 Examples:
148,035 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 17 — Mar 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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