Mobile health initiatives take on mindfulness and fitness programs
Implications - Mobile fitness and meditation programs are becoming increasingly popular, allowing consumers to partake in health-related activities on-the-go, or have such activities come to them. This shift comes as the prioritization of health merges with consumers' convenience-motivated purchases, along with their desire for more experiential health programs that motivate them to reach their goals.
Workshop Question - Consider how your brand could create an accessible, experiential product or service focusing on mindfulness? What would that look like?
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Wellness Programs - The rise of integrated experiential wellness programs on mobile platforms.
2. On-demand Fitness Services - The demand for quick, personalized and flexible fitness services.
3. Transportation-based Wellness Services - The introduction of healing-based transportation services is on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness and Wellness Services - The leisure sector will likely start seeing an incremental shift towards the experiential, integrated wellness programs.
2. Transportation and Logistics - The transportation industry has an opportunity to expand beyond traditional transportation methods and provide services that offer added value.
3. Retail and Hospitality - Retail and hotel brands who appeal to the modern wellness-conscious consumer are well poised to adapt to the growing popularity of on-the-go wellness offerings.