The newly minted superfood becomes a mainstay hair and skincare ingredient
Implications - Newly hailed as a hair and skin "cure-all," Moringa oil has moved beyond the realm of obscure superfood to full-fledged skincare wonder status. The fast proliferation of Moringa-based cosmetics speaks to the desire for plant-based ingredients that cover as wide a range of topical benefits as possible as consumers look for products that do more for less amidst increasingly busy lifestyles.
Workshop Question - How can you highlight the makeup of your product as meeting as many customer needs as possible?
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Ingredients - The proliferation of Moringa-based cosmetics speaks to the desire for plant-based ingredients that cover a wide range of topical benefits as possible.
2. Multipurpose Skincare Products - Many beauty consumers who are looking to nourish their skin from both the inside out, as well as with topical treatments, are turning to a number of 'skin food' products that are simple, multipurpose and celebrate natural ingredients.
3. Environmental Stressors Protection - Ingredients like moringa extract and marrubium stem cells are vital to fighting everything from fatigue and inflammation to the telltale signs of dehydration and dullness by protecting skin from damages of environmental stressors such as pollution.
Industry Implications
1. Natural Skincare Industry - As consumers are looking for natural and plant-based ingredients, this industry should focus on creating multipurpose skincare products that celebrate natural ingredients.
2. Anti-aging and Wellness Industry - As Moringa oil is rich in cytokinin zeatin that stimulates cell division and growth, brands in this industry can create products that help reduce and reverse the effects of aging.
3. Hair Care Industry - Brands in this industry can create restorative hair sprays that help in maximizing moisture retention, boosting curls, improving elasticity and definition, reducing frizziness, as well as strengthening, conditioning and protecting the hair.