Ice Cream is used as a step towards experiencing global palette
Implications - By leveraging ice cream as an exploratory platform, brands are allowing consumers to experience new cultures via regional flavors, but with the security of the familiar dessert concept. This combination speaks to the consumer desire for experimental foodie experiences, coupled with a refusal to limit their palettes to their own geographic experiences.
Workshop Question - How can your brand combine the security that comes with familiarity, with an experimental product or experience?
Trend Themes
1. Exploratory Ice Cream - Brands are using ice cream as a platform to offer regional flavors, providing consumers with an opportunity to experience new cultures safely.
2. Savory Flavors - Vegetables and other savory flavors are being incorporated into traditionally sweet desserts, creating unique and memorable taste experiences for consumers.
3. Global Sourcing - Companies are turning to globally sourced ingredients to offer consumers a taste of different regions of the world, appealing to savvy consumers who want to experience the hottest flavors in the food industry.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can leverage exploratory ice cream, savory flavors, and global sourcing trends to offer unique and memorable taste experiences for their customers.
2. Tourism and Travel - Tourism and travel industries can reference the exploratory ice cream trend to attract customers who are looking to experience new cultures safely through food.
3. Retail - Retailers can incorporate global sourcing trends into their products to appeal to the increasing number of savvy customers looking for unique and exotic flavors.