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Fitness Furniture

Exercise equipment with an interior design element make for healthy homes

Implications - Exercise equipment disguised as home furnishings feed into a consumer need for attractive, multi-purpose merchandise and healthy living. With consumers still feeling the after-effects of the credit crunch, fitness furniture provides a welcome relief from expensive gym memberships while allowing consumers to downsize.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Workout Furniture - Combining exercise equipment with home furnishings provides consumers with a practical and multi-purpose solution to staying fit while allowing them to downsize. Companies can capitalize on the movement towards healthy living while also addressing the need for simplicity and convenience.
2. Innovative Exercise Equipment - Consumers are looking for exercise related products that are fun, accessible and encourage better posture. Companies can innovate new exercise equipment with features such as a built-in ball that follows every movement the sitter makes, drill rest, a treadmill, multiple anchor points, exercise bench, TV and DVD player.
3. Fitness-integrated Seating - Consumers want to stay active even when sitting in a chair. Integrating fitness features into seating options is an excellent disruptive innovation opportunity to meet this consumer demand for healthier lifestyles.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Industry - Furniture industry players can explore manufacturing hybrid workout furniture that doubles as home furnishings, providing consumers with practical and multi-purpose solutions for staying fit.
2. Exercise Equipment Industry - Manufacturers in the exercise equipment industry can explore innovative products that include features to achieve better posture and can be used to perform stretching and muscle building exercises.
3. Office Furniture Industry - Companies that produce chairs for office use can explore integrating fitness features into their seating options enabling users to stay active while sitting for long periods of time.
6 Featured, 47 Examples:
849,602 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 09 — Dec 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Fitness Furnishings
Fitness Furnishings
Tone Up Without Cluttering Your Home With Process's Muscle Building Unit
Furniture brand Process has produced a groovy home fitness unit that doubles as furniture. It manufactured, "a multi-functional set of objects intended for the interior as a contemporary furniture and… MORE
Spool-Like Stools
Spool-Like Stools
The ONGO Seat Combines Furniture with Exercise Equipment
I haven't been seeing a lot 'fitness furniture' of late--and that's surprising because there was a slew of then only a few months ago--so I'm happy to introduce to you the ONGO Seat. Part chair, part exercise… MORE
Ottoman Workout Benches
Ottoman Workout Benches
Hybrid Furniture Designed for City Dwellers
The Ottoman-Bench is designed for city dwellers who live in small spaces. The triple seat ottoman folds out to reveal a full workout bench. The workout station includes an adjustable bench, an Olympic… MORE
Closet Gyms
Closet Gyms
The Tumidei XFit Gym is a Closet-Sized Gym
For those at-home gym junkies who love to work out in the comfort of their living room, check out the Tumidei XFit gym which crams an entire gym into the confines of a closet. The cutomizable gym includes… MORE
play_circle_filledYoga Seating
Yoga Seating
The Gayolab Office Chair for Yoga Will Set You Straight
Usually, people have to take a break from their day and go off to a quiet place in order to reap the true benefits of yoga. The GayoLab Office Chair for Yoga, however, will allow you to do yoga wherever… MORE
Executive Exercise Seating
Executive Exercise Seating
GymyGym is a Fitness Chair Created for the American Workforce
Adam Ben-David, an entrepreneur and a college student, has officially launched his company GymGym LLC that will market the innovative seating-fitness system, GymGym. The GymGym exercise chair is specially… MORE

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