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Digital Disconnect

Consumers search for ways to "unplug" and de-stress

Implications - The hyper-connectivity of the digital world can be overwhelming, even to consumers who were born into it. As a result, brands have begun promoting products and services that not only encourage more face-to-face interaction, but also personal reflection and contemplation. Overall, this detox approach to social media suggests that consumers are struggling to find a balance between the digital and physical world.
Workshop Question - What is one way you can reverse the consumer desire for connectivity, and offer them a simple solution to temporarily remove themselves from the digital world?
Trend Themes
1. Digital Detox Trend - Consumers are seeking ways to reduce or eliminate their dependence on technology, leading to the rise of digital detox programs, events, and apps.
2. Mindfulness and Wellness Trend - Brands are promoting products and services that encourage wellness, personal reflection, and contemplation.
3. Eco-friendly Trend - Events and retreats that promote a connection with nature and eco-friendliness are gaining popularity.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism Industry - Hospitality industry professionals can create holiday packages that cater to consumers seeking digital detox, mindfulness, wellness, and eco-friendliness.
2. Technology Industry - Technology companies can develop apps and technology that promotes mindfulness, wellness, and digital detox.
3. Food and Beverage Industry - Food and beverage industry professionals can market products that relate to digital detox, wellness, and eco-friendliness.
4 Featured, 25 Examples:
148,151 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 15 — May 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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