Edible bouquets encourage consumers to become marketers on behalf of brands
Implications - With edible bouquets being so social media-friendly, brands are capitalizing on this by releasing special bouquets for holidays, or as limited edition products. By debuting products that are inherently shareable due to their aesthetically pleasing qualities, brands are enabling consumers to market their products on their behalf in a way that is both engaging and organic.
Workshop Question - How can your brand engage consumers to market on the brand's behalf?
Trend Themes
1. Edible Bouquets - Creating bouquets using edible products as a social media strategy.
2. Novelty Gifting - Developing unique gifting experiences with unusual combinations of products or services.
3. Food Delivery Innovations - Partnering with food delivery platforms and restaurants to offer unique and creative food experiences for special gifting occasions.
Industry Implications
1. Food Delivery - Partnering with restaurants to offer unique and creative food experiences for special gifting occasions.
2. Gift and Novelty - Creating unique and unconventional gifting experiences through the combination of unusual products or services.
3. Social Media Marketing - Creating visually stunning products that are inherently shareable on social media platforms to generate organic marketing through user-generated content.