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Compassionate Discharge

Tools focused on reintegrating former military personnel go mainstream

Implications - As a cultural sensitivity regarding mental health struggles becomes more mainstream, so too do concerns around the reintegration of military and law enforcement personnel following discharge. Given the high-rate of unemployment and suicide among those who have completed service, tools and services focused on rehabilitating and reintegrating such individuals have begun to serve as crucial resources.
Workshop Question - What consumer segment often gets overlooked by your industry and how can you become more accessible to them?
Trend Themes
1. Tools for Military Personnel Reintegration - As sensitivity for mental health struggles increases, there's an opportunity for tools and services to help military personnel rehabilitate and reintegrate into society.
2. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy - Virtual reality can help provide immersive exposure therapy for treating PTSD, especially among veterans.
3. Gamified Social Reintegration Apps - Gamified apps provide conversational roleplay scenarios that can help veterans adjust to civilian society and its unique social interactions.
Industry Implications
1. Mental Health and Wellness - As mental health becomes more mainstream, industries serving those populations can expect new innovations and products to emerge.
2. Veteran Services - Veteran services are an emerging industry, and businesses can benefit from offering support to military personnel who need it.
3. Virtual and Augmented Reality - As virtual and augmented reality technology advances, there is a potential for these industries to expand into various domains.
5 Featured, 33 Examples:
117,469 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 14 — Jun 15
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