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Plastic Life Stages

Cosmetic surgery as an accepted, expected, part of growing older

Implications - Cosmetic surgery, from nose jobs to rear enhancements, has become so ubiquitous, it’s pretty well considered a requisite at a certain life stage. Businesses capitalizing on the booming industry sell products like niche greeting cards and even children’s books that explain mommy’s surgery.
Trend Themes
1. Cosmetic Surgery Normalization - With more and more people turning to cosmetic surgery, businesses are offering a range of products and services that cater to this growing trend.
2. Hyper-focused Plastic Surgery - Celebrities and everyday individuals alike are seeking out highly specific plastic surgery procedures to achieve their desired look.
3. Plastic Surgery Extremes - As plastic surgery becomes more normalized, individuals are pushing the boundaries of what is considered 'traditional' plastic surgery.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics and Personal Care - Companies in the cosmetics and personal care industry can create products that cater directly to those who have had or plan to have plastic surgery.
2. Healthcare - Healthcare providers can develop specialized plastic surgery services to meet the demand of patients seeking specific procedures.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketers and advertisers can capitalize on the growing plastic surgery craze and create campaigns targeting individuals seeking to enhance their appearance.
8 Featured
631,268 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 08 — Aug 08
V. Hot
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Featured Examples

Excessive Boob Jobs
Excessive Boob Jobs
Sheyla Hershey Rejected for 9th Surgery, Boobs Could Burst
A woman has been denied her ninth boob job because her plastic surgeon warned her breasts could burst with any further augmentation. With her 34FFF cup size, Sheyla Hershey has “reached the legal limit… MORE
Celebrity Imitation Surgery
Celebrity Imitation Surgery
Russian Teen Becomes Paris Hilton
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Paris Hilton has just been paid the ultimate compliment as a Russian teenager, Anna Ivanov, has undergone surgery to look just like her. 19-year-old-… MORE
Plastic Surgery Obsession Ads
Plastic Surgery Obsession Ads
Chevrolet Jabs
Chevorlet is certainly not trying to impress or get the business of plastic surgery obsessed LA and Hollywood. "If it's not fixed by the one who made it, it probably won't work." That's the new campaign… MORE
Live Celebrity Surgery
Live Celebrity Surgery
Bridgette Neilsen's Plastic Surgery
Bridgette Neilsen, formerly Mrs. Sly Stallone, decided to go for a few rounds with the plastic surgeon - on live TV. Gerhard Sattler was the doctor she chose for her major body overhaul. She had fat removed… MORE
Ethnicity Swap Surgery
Ethnicity Swap Surgery
Brazilian Model Gets Japanese Eyes
Each year, thousands of Asians go under the knife to have their eyes reshaped to resemble Caucasian peepers, but one Brazilian model has the opposite desire; she is desperate for an oriental slant. Angela… MORE
Plastic Surgery Get Well Cards
Plastic Surgery Get Well Cards
Life Me Up
http://www.liftmeupcards.comAlleged celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Ashlee Simpson, Cher, Goldie Hawn and so many others have supposedly done it. And according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons,… MORE
Plastic Surgery Kids Books
Plastic Surgery Kids Books
My Beautiful Mommy by Dr. Michael Salzhauer
Dr. Michael Salzhauer, who is a plastic surgeon, has written an illustrated book for children to help them understand why their mother looks different. In 2007, 348,000 women had plastic surgery in the… MORE
Unlimited Plastic Surgery Packages
Unlimited Plastic Surgery Packages
Hamptons Luxury Recovery For Just $500K
If you’ve considered going under the knife for multiple surgeries, consider that half a million dollars could get you an unlimited number of plastic surgeries. Stephen Greenburg, a Park Avenue surgeon,… MORE
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