Cosmetic surgery as an accepted, expected, part of growing older
Implications - Cosmetic surgery, from nose jobs to rear enhancements, has become so ubiquitous, it’s pretty well considered a requisite at a certain life stage. Businesses capitalizing on the booming industry sell products like niche greeting cards and even children’s books that explain mommy’s surgery.
Trend Themes
1. Cosmetic Surgery Normalization - With more and more people turning to cosmetic surgery, businesses are offering a range of products and services that cater to this growing trend.
2. Hyper-focused Plastic Surgery - Celebrities and everyday individuals alike are seeking out highly specific plastic surgery procedures to achieve their desired look.
3. Plastic Surgery Extremes - As plastic surgery becomes more normalized, individuals are pushing the boundaries of what is considered 'traditional' plastic surgery.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics and Personal Care - Companies in the cosmetics and personal care industry can create products that cater directly to those who have had or plan to have plastic surgery.
2. Healthcare - Healthcare providers can develop specialized plastic surgery services to meet the demand of patients seeking specific procedures.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketers and advertisers can capitalize on the growing plastic surgery craze and create campaigns targeting individuals seeking to enhance their appearance.