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Hip Fashion Consumer Insights

Collaborative Acquisition
Influencer collaborations are becoming key drivers of customer growth
Trend - As digital advertising faces increased challenges from privacy regulations and algorithm changes, brands are pivoting to strategic partnerships and influencer collaborations that create more authentic paths to customer acquisition. These partnerships often involve performance-based compensation models that tie directly to sales results.

Insight - Contemporary consumers are increasingly skeptical of traditional advertising, creating a demand for more genuine brand messaging that aligns with their values and comes from trusted voices. This shift has prompted brands to seek out strategic partnerships that feel more authentic while still driving measurable results. The evolution from simple product placement to true collaborative content creates deeper engagement and helps brands overcome rising customer acquisition costs in an increasingly complex digital landscape.
Workshop Question - How could your brand leverage strategic partnerships to create more authentic customer connections?
Mycelium Leather
Brands are using mycelium as a vegan leather substitute across industries
Trend - Brands across textile industries have begun using mycelium as a basis for vegan leathers. These leathers are nearly indistinguishable from animal leather, and are more sustainable. Mushroom leather products can be marketed without backlash from eco-conscious consumers and organizations.

Insight - The two main reasons why customers are hesitant to purchase products made from animal leather are the ethics of animal cruelty and unsustainability, as leathermaking produces carbon emissions. However, leather has become a staple in handbags, jackets, and more, as it is weather-resistant and fashionable. While vegan leathers have been around for a while, brands have yet to perfectly replicate the quality of genuine leather, placing pressure on brands to continue trying new materials.
Workshop Question - How could your brand transform traditional products with sustainable practices?
Upcycled Auto-Fashion
Fashion and auto brands are collaborating on upcycled clothing collections
Trend - While auto brands have certainly engaged in informing the design of objects and clothing in the past, they are increasingly donating various auto parts to clothing collaborations. With an emphasis on sustainability, these lines include discarded materials such as airbags, fabric, and more.

Insight - The emphasis that contemporary consumers are placing on sustainability is understandably increasing as more and more individuals feel a strong responsibility to counter the advance of climate change and often experience a sense of guilt about their lifestyle choices. Combined with a desire for uniqueness, which informs consumer confidence and allows them to feel special, many are looking for more creative repurposing of goods, with a focus on materials that are often overlooked.
Workshop Question - Conceptualize a product or line that takes advantage of 'overlooked' materials..
SPF Goods
Brands highlight the SPF content of clothing and other outdoor items
Trend - As SPF protection becomes more important to the average consumer, brands that offer products like clothing and outdoor gear are increasingly highlighting the sun protection that their products provide.

Insight - Consumers have been focusing more on preventative health, and one change that's been particularly significant in recent years is avoiding the sun, or protecting oneself from it. Sun protection is now a priority for consumers as they understand its impact on both their health and physical appearance, and they're turning to brands that will help them stay protected.
Workshop Question - How is your brand prioritizing customers' preventative health rituals?
Camping Collab
Unlikely brands are collaborating with those in the outdoor/adventure space
Trend - Brands are collaborating with companies that specialize in outdoor clothing and gear in order to broaden their customer base. Everything from K-pop camping gear collaborations to home furnishing chains offering adventure-friendly products and decor can now be found in this space.

Insight - Outdoor adventuring has become more popular in North America as people still remain relatively restricted when it comes to travel-based leisure. More consumers are turning to recreational hobbies like hiking and camping as an alternative, and brands unrelated to this space are jumping in on the trend as a result.
Workshop Question - What is an unlilkely brand that your business could collaborate with?
Latex Boom
The luxury fashion industry is embracing latex as a primary material in new collections
Trend - Brands in luxury fashion are increasingly experimenting with latex, which is giving an edge to their bespoke collections. The popularity of the material can be traced to its association with rebellion, deviance, and fetish, as well as to the sustainability in harvesting natural latex.

Insight - Millennial and Gen Z consumers have always placed a strong emphasis on their appearances and a big reason for that is their continuous presence and dependence on social media platforms. As a result, many are on the lookout for aesthetic-forward pieces and experiences that can help them feel not only more confident in their self-expression but also more interesting in the eyes of their peers and followers.
Workshop Question - How can your brand boost the confidence of your consumers?
Accessorized Self-Defense
Fashion and jewelry brands are prioritizing safety in their designs
Trend - Brands in the fashion and jewelry industries are enhancing the designs of their products with safety features that are seamlessly integrated into the design. This, in turn, enables consumers to protect themselves in dangerous situations.

Insight - Contemporary consumers living in urban environments often feel unsafe and at-risk when outdoors, especially if they find themselves in an unfamiliar neighborhood or when walking home alone at night. Fearing the worst, many are creating a demand for accessible products and services that will help them feel less vulnerable in the city, allowing them to feel safer and more confident, instead.
Workshop Question - How can your brand help consumers feel safer?
Luxe Lounging
High-quality loungewear sets cater to the acceleration of comfort wear
Trend - Comfort clothing has become enormously popular as people remain restricted in the outdoor activities they can take part in, and brands are responding with luxurious loungewear sets that allow for both comfort and style.

Insight - There are a number of reasons consumers are currently prioritizing comfort in their day-to-day lives. The primary reason is that with more professional and recreational activities now taking place in the home, consumers are less inclined to impress others in fashionable clothing. Another important one is that with the ongoing stress that consumers have dealt with considering the disruptions to their lives, uncertainty about the future and economic hardship--comfort clothing gives consumers one less thing to worry about as they try to manage their new lives.
Workshop Question - How is your brand easing customers' lives as they balance changes and disruptions?
Psych Reframe
Designers are channeling difficult human emotions and the importance of acceptance
Trend - Contemporary designers are referring to problematic societal norms that are excusatory and harmful to people's perception of self. These concepts are realized through high-tech fashion or sculptural jewelry that seeks to directly or indirectly affect one's psychological state.

Insight - Contemporary consumers are increasingly coming to the awareness that traditional societal narratives and what is held as the "status quo" are harmful—if not directly to one's self then to others in the community and especially to people who are marginalized. Either motivated by a sense of guilt or by duty to make the world a better place, individuals are looking to remedy the situation by placing more focus on healing and acceptance, as well as by building safer spaces.
Workshop Question - How might your brand build safer spaces for individuals?
Post-Pandemic Dystopia
Designers are hyperbolizing the future state of the world post-COVID-19
Trend - Designers—particularly in fashion and in other categories—are imagining the post-pandemic future in a glum and dystopic manner. Mostly shared through photographic imagery in editorials and lookbooks, as well as in some projects and even events, these post-pandemic worlds seek to entertain.

Insight - Individuals are embracing all forms of fiction as a means of entertainment—from books to photography and beyond. Often, many place a strong emphasis on content that is relatable to a degree, and as a result, consumers search for narratives that offer commentary on contemporary issues and events. In this case, individuals do not only succeed in passing their time in pleasurable ways, but they also experience some connection and comfort through the content that they consume.
Workshop Question - How can your brand tap the post-pandemic imagination to engage consumers?