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Botanical Indulgence

Dessert recipes mimic nature with floral and herbal additions

Implications - Decadent desserts are moving more towards the natural side of baking with real floral ingredients. Crushed petals and green leaves help brands and pastry gurus step outside the ordinary confectionery box through unusual dishes that leave lasting impressions. This approach to cuisine is also appealing to health-conscious consumers.
Workshop Question - How can your brand incorporate unlikely features into its products/services that work to elevate them?
Trend Themes
1. Edible Flowers - The use of edible flowers as a unique ingredient in desserts provides a visually appealing and taste-bud tantalizing experience for consumers.
2. Botanical and Natural Flavors - The use of natural floral and herbal ingredients in desserts is a trend that caters to health-conscious consumers seeking indulgence without compromising on nutrition.
3. Flower-inspired Decorations - Floral-inspired decorations on desserts are an innovative trend that elevates the aesthetics of desserts and offers consumers a unique and memorable culinary experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - The use of edible flowers and natural botanical flavors in desserts can be leveraged by food and beverage brands to create visually appealing and delicious desserts that cater to the health-conscious consumer.
2. Hospitality Industry - The trend of incorporating flower-inspired decorations in desserts can be leveraged by the hospitality industry to enhance the dining experience of guests in restaurants and hotels.
3. Culinary Industry - The trend of botanical and floral flavors in desserts presents opportunities for pastry chefs to experiment with unique ingredient combinations and offer their customers a novel and memorable tasting experience.
7 Featured, 52 Examples:
163,820 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 15 — Jul 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Earthy Pistachio Cakes
Earthy Pistachio Cakes
Maja Chocolat's Garden-Inspired Dessert is Infused with Marzipan
Maja Chocolat’s pistachio cake recipe is infused with fresh lemon and marzipan ingredients. The white chocolate dessert is nothing short of delicious and is made using shortcrust pastry. In... MORE
Baked Floral Desserts
Baked Floral Desserts
These Baked Yeast Donuts Come Topped With a Delicious Hibiscus Glaze
This vibrantly hued baked donut batch is not only better for you than its deep fried counterpart, it also has a flowery topping. From Two Red Bowls, the baked yeast donuts have a hibiscus glaze—... MORE
Floral Coconut Ice Creams
Floral Coconut Ice Creams
This Vegan Lavender Ice Cream Recipe Also Contains Blueberry Flavors
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Creamy Flower-Filled Treats
Creamy Flower-Filled Treats
These Beautiful Pastries Have Eatable Flowers Inside a Gelatin Casing
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Floral Pistachio Ice Creams
Floral Pistachio Ice Creams
This Frozen Dessert Recipe Features a Flowery Rose Marzipan Swirl
This cardamom and pistachio ice cream features a rose marzipan swirl, adding an unexpected floral twist to an unconventional frozen treat. Created by Lily at the blog Kale & Caramel, the recipe... MORE
Floral Homemade Ice Creams
Floral Homemade Ice Creams
This Lavender Honey Ice Cream Recipe has Crumbled Cookies on Top
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Floral Citrus Desserts
Floral Citrus Desserts
These Lavender Lemon Cupcakes Beautifully Combines Flowers and Food
These lavender frosting-topped lemon cupcakes are fruity, floral and everything feminine. Created by Jessica Merchant and featured on The Pioneer Woman blog, the dessert recipe makes adorable treats... MORE

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