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Decorative Patriotism

Homeware designers cater to nationalist pride among consumers

Implications - American pride has extended beyond the hearts and minds of consumers to kitchen tables, living room walls and doorsteps. The connection between home decor and nationalist sentiment reflects a strong bond between design and the beliefs of shoppers. Goods showcasing the country's look and feel are addressing these beliefs and evident demand for patriotism in the home.
Workshop Question - How can you better align your messaging to your consumers' values and priorities?
Trend Themes
1. Nationalist Home Decor - Designers are tapping into consumer's national pride by creating home decor items that showcase a country's look and feel.
2. Geography-inspired Decor - Home decor items inspired by maps and geography are becoming popular, providing consumers with educational and unique pieces.
3. State Pride Decor - Rustic-looking home decor signs and plaques that are shaped like American states and personalized with a light-up feature are gaining popularity among consumers who want to show their state and American pride.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor Industry - Designers and retailers of innovative home decor items are leveraging the latest trends to meet the evolving demands and preferences of consumers.
2. Geography and Mapping Industry - There is an opportunity for companies to partner with home decor designers to create and manufacture unique products inspired by maps and geography that appeal to consumers.
3. Customized and Personalized Decor Industry - Entrepreneurs can tap into the demand for customized and personalized decor items by offering unique home decor pieces that showcase a customer's individual preferences and personality.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
381,312 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 14 — Nov 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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