Sensor-driven personal interests point to fun as a means to an end
Implications - Hobbies are typically treated as a space for relaxation and fun, however the integration of sensors into areas of personal interest shows a redefinition of the hobby. Implementing sensors and elements of gamification into fun treats spare time as a means to an end. This shows a greater emphasis placed on upward mobility that in some ways, is counteractive to relaxation.
Workshop Question - How can your brand push consumers to maximize their experience?
Trend Themes
1. Sensor-driven Hobbies - The integration of sensors in personal interests is transforming hobbies into means to an end.
2. Smart Sensors - Smart sensors are a vital part of the automation process that is revolutionizing industries.
3. Smart Tracking for Improvement - Automated tracking systems offer real-time analysis, changing the way people track their improvement.
Industry Implications
1. Home Brewing Industry - Automated brewing machines offer a new business model for the growing home brewing industry.
2. Robotics Industry - The Butler and DribbleUp demonstrate the capability of robots in domestic and sports related settings.
3. Smart Agriculture Industry - Gardening and crop production are being redefined by integrating new smart tracking and monitoring systems.