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40 KFC Features

From Popcorn Chicken Nachos to Presidential Fast Food Joints

— June 17, 2014 — Lifestyle
It is not every day a corporation that has done some wrong manages to make it right in an uplifting way, yet that is just what Kentucky Fried Chicken has done; hence this compilation of KFC features. After turning away 3-year-old Victoria Wilcher from one of its restaurants due to her extensive scarring from a pit bull attack, which the employees claimed scared their customers, KFC has since issued an apology as well as an offer to pay for the family's mounting medical bills.

These KFC features show how on top of their game the company is not just in tough moments such as these. From continually creating unique dishes to serve their customers to releasing creative campaigns and eco-friendly products, these KFC features are just the tip of the iceberg.
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Fast Food Movie Makers
Fast Food Movie Makers
KFC Lets You Become a Star with its New KFC MovieMatic
Crude Fried Chicken Ads
Crude Fried Chicken Ads
This Ad is Hilariously Rude as it Makes Fun of Heartwarming Christmas Ads
Colonel Tattoo Commercials
Colonel Tattoo Commercials
A Forever Fan Gets a KFC Tattoo in the Restaurant's New Advertisement
Meaty Floral Corsages
Meaty Floral Corsages
The Kfc Chicken Corsage is Perfect for Prom-Going Chicken Lovers
Cinnamon-Infused Fast Food
Cinnamon-Infused Fast Food
KFC is Testing a New ‘Go Cup’ Out that Includes Funnel Cake Fries
Currency-Augmenting Apps
Currency-Augmenting Apps
KFC's Wow @ 25 Augmented Reality App Shows What Dollar Bills Can Buy
Twitterific Cash Scholarships
Twitterific Cash Scholarships
KFC Giveaway of $20,000 to the Best High School Tweeter
Storefront Mimicking Websites
Storefront Mimicking Websites
The KFC Menu is Now Available for Online Ordering
Deep-Fried Cheese Patties
Deep-Fried Cheese Patties
KFC India Released a Deep-Fried Paneer Patty
Poultry-Infused Flavoring
Poultry-Infused Flavoring
KFC Japan Now Serves Guests Chicken Flavored Rice Balls
Mouthwateringly Meaty Candles
Mouthwateringly Meaty Candles
Fried Chicken Candle Smells Like 11 Herbs and Spices
Fake Presidential Endorsements
Fake Presidential Endorsements
A KFC China Spot Features an Obama Look-Alike Enjoying a Sandwich
Fast Food Scavenger Hunts
Fast Food Scavenger Hunts
KFC $20,000 Secret Santa "So Good" Campaign Spreads Joy
Eco-Friendly Poultry Packaging
Eco-Friendly Poultry Packaging
The KFC Reusable Side Container Won the 2010 Greener Package Awards
Sports Star Chicken Meals
Sports Star Chicken Meals
KFC Japan Celebrates a Soccer Icon with the Cristiano Ronaldo Pack
Chicken Filled Potholes
Chicken Filled Potholes
KFC Gets Into The Pothole Repairing Business
Adult-Intended Food Joints
Adult-Intended Food Joints
Tokyo’s KFC has a Adult Kentucky Fried Chicken with Pasta and Beer
Presidential Fast Food Joints
Presidential Fast Food Joints
Obama Fried Chicken Serves Chicken with a Side Order of Controversy
Porcelain Fast Food Plates
Porcelain Fast Food Plates
Alejo Malia Renders Concept Dishware for Popular Quick Meal Shops
Fried Chicken Rice Bowls
Fried Chicken Rice Bowls
The Kentucky Fried Chicken Rice Bowl Mixes Eastern and Western Food
Deep-Fried Stew Recipes
Deep-Fried Stew Recipes
KFC Fried Soup is Coming Soon to Japan
Edible 3D Drumsticks
Edible 3D Drumsticks
This 3D KFC Drumstick Looks Edible and Delicious
Sweet Seafood Snacks
Sweet Seafood Snacks
KFC Singapore's 'Fish Donuts' Are Modeled After Confectionery Desserts
Car-Friendly Fast Food Creations
Car-Friendly Fast Food Creations
The KFC Go Cup Brings Chicken to Your Cup Holder
Fried Chicken Potato Crisps
Fried Chicken Potato Crisps
The KFC Chicken Flavored Chips are a Savory Dish Without the Meat
Top Secret Corporate Promotions
Top Secret Corporate Promotions
Bo Dietl Relocates KFC Recipe
Fast Food Chicken Wars
Fast Food Chicken Wars
KFC Original Recipe Bites Are a Contender to McDonald's McBites
Fat Free Fried Chicken?
Fat Free Fried Chicken?
KFC Eliminates Trans Fat
Popcorn Chicken Nachos
Popcorn Chicken Nachos
Delicious Popcorn Chicken is Being Added to KFC Nachos
Anime Fast Food Sculptures
Anime Fast Food Sculptures
KFC's Goku Colonel Sanders Statues Promote the New DBZ Movie
Sustainable Packaging Campaigns
Sustainable Packaging Campaigns
Kentucky Fried Forests Demands that KFC Saves Trees
Social Media Food Spoofs
Social Media Food Spoofs
This New KFC Ad is a Familiarly Funny Way to "Like" Your Meal
PETA Winning KFC Battle
PETA Winning KFC Battle
New Classic Vegetarian Sandwich
Record-Breaking Chicken Buckets
Record-Breaking Chicken Buckets
The KFC Gigantic Bucket of Chicken Weighs Over a Ton
Finger-Paint Campaigns
Finger-Paint Campaigns
KFC Finger Lickin' Ads
Fast Food Bento Boxes
Fast Food Bento Boxes
KFC Japan Now Serves Chicken-Filled Bento Boxes with Rice and Sides
Eco Fast Food Chains
Eco Fast Food Chains
KFC Green Indianapolis Aims for LEED Architectural Certification
Virtual Staring Contests
Virtual Staring Contests
KFC's Chicken Stare Off is an Intense Online Staring Competition
Easily Misinterpreted Ads
Easily Misinterpreted Ads
KFC Waiters With Mouths Taped
Naked Protesting
Naked Protesting
Hot 'Chicks' Battle KFC in Australia