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Top 95 World Trends in February

From Big City Getaway Spas to Norwegian Artist Hubs

— February 25, 2018 — World
The top February 2018 world ideas range from sculptural furniture pieces that celebrate Hispanic culture to restorative getaway spas that inspire tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Around the world, many crossovers are happening, including new luxury hotels in London that draw from the designs of traditional Japanese architecture, as well as North American payment systems that aim to appeal to visiting tourists from overseas.

In China, the social platform WeChat is testing an all-new electric ID system that will potentially replace physical, officially issued identification cards for a variety of purposes. Considering that this system is used by millions of users in the country, the implementation of the system has the chance to revolutionize the way people in China do everything from check into hotels or apply for government services.
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Idea-Logging Hotel Shower Doors
Idea-Logging Hotel Shower Doors
Marriott Hotels Has Created Shower Doors That Can Record Ideas
Hypnotic Refugee Commericals
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This Amnesty International Ad Shows the Trials of Refugees
Goat Yoga Sessions
Goat Yoga Sessions
Denver International Airport Opened a 'Zen Room' with Goats to Relax Travelers
Mindful Caribbean Retreats
Mindful Caribbean Retreats
Soul Sabbatical Encourages Individuals to Disconnect from Technology
Weekend Travel Resources
Weekend Travel Resources
A Brit and A Southerner Focuses on Chris and Heather Boothman's Travels
Baggage-Avoiding Travel Services
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'VoyageLightly' Enables Travelers to Explore without Luggage
Online Travel Agencies
Online Travel Agencies
'Despegar' is the Latin American Equivalent of Expedia
Sustainable Fishing Apps
Sustainable Fishing Apps
This DIY Fish Database Helps Indonesian Fishers to Prevent Overfishing
Delay-Predicting AI
Delay-Predicting AI
Google is Using Artificial Intelligence Technology to Predict Flight Delays
Food-Focused Couple Blogs
Food-Focused Couple Blogs
2foodtrippers Highlights the Travels of Daryl and Mindi Hirsch
Boomer-Specific Travel Lodges
Boomer-Specific Travel Lodges
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Bus Booking Platforms
Bus Booking Platforms
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Earthquake Warning Apps
Earthquake Warning Apps
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Proposed Wildlife Sanctuaries
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Real-Time Translating Chairs
Real-Time Translating Chairs
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Tourist-Targeted Payment Platforms
Tourist-Targeted Payment Platforms
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Suspended 4D Country Tours
Suspended 4D Country Tours
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Exploratory Vessel Rental Listings
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Adventuring Frog Games
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Experience-Driven Vacations
Experience-Driven Vacations
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Crowdsourced Travel Insurance Platforms
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Rega is a Platform for Sharing Risk Built on Ethereum
Floating Flood-Protection Villages
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BIG and Two Other Firms Created a Masterplan for Islais Creek
Celebratory Zodiac Memorabilia
Celebratory Zodiac Memorabilia
China Post is Sharing a Year of the Dog Stamp, Envelopes & Drawings
Social Media ID Systems
Social Media ID Systems
China is Testing an Electric ID System on the Social Platform WeChat
Exciting Boomer Travel Excursions
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Remixed Peach-Flavored Sodas
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Minimalist Homeware Hotels
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13-Hour Onboard Escape Rooms
13-Hour Onboard Escape Rooms
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Customized Travel Deal Platforms
Customized Travel Deal Platforms
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Mid-Air Meditation Platforms
Mid-Air Meditation Platforms
Headspace's Airline Partnerships Help Travelers Keep Calm in the Sky
Expanding Laptop Shoulder Bags
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Colorful Olympic-Focused Watches
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Flexible Lifestyle Services
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Family-Friendly Cartoon Cruises
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Quiz-Based Travel Apps
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Singles Boomer Cruises
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Calming Yoga Cruises
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Big City Getaway Spas
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1920s-Inspired Theatrical Events
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Temperature-Resistant Suitcases
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The Tumi Latitude Luggage Collection is Durable and Handsome
Purposeful Travel Opportunities
Purposeful Travel Opportunities
'Journey' is for Millennials Who Love Traveling with a Purpose
Bamboo Shoot-Inspired Skyscrapers
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Accessible Boomer Tours
Accessible Boomer Tours
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Traditional Triangular Forest Shelters
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Neo-Classical Memorial Museums
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The Design for the Leningrad Siege Museum is Peaceful and Ambitious
Magical Themed Cruises
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Boomer Travel Agencies
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Engagement Ring Security Codes
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Boomer Home-Trading Platforms
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Action-Built Adventure Pants
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Whimsical Theme Park Accommodations
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St. Lucian Adult Resorts
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Subtly Hive-Inspired Hotels
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Luxury Steam Engine Tours
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On-Demand Snow Billboards
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Swiss International Air Lines Made a Tweet-Powered Travel Billboard
Contemporary Classic Hotels
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App-Connected Unstaffed Pop-Ups
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Romance-Focused Jamaican Resorts
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Couples Tower Isle is an All-Seasons Stress-Free Destination
WiFi-Enabled Camping Trailers
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Boomer-Specific Tour Agencies
Boomer-Specific Tour Agencies
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Women-Only Social Clubs
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Luxurious Oasis Hotels
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In-Flight Well-Being Apps
In-Flight Well-Being Apps
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Cannabis-Transformed Wineries
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Floating Frozen Hotels
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Customized Hotel Stays
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Japanese-Inspired Modern Accommodations
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Large-Scale Airport Food Halls
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Organic Travel-Ready Kits
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Fantasy Franchise Ice Hotels
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Horror-Themed Fashion Campaigns
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Witchcraft-Inspired Bars
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Bright Luxurious Living Spaces
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Pitsou Kedem Architects Optimized Natural Light in This Home
Holistic Boutique Hotels
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Naturally Decorated Japanese Restaurants
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This yakinku Restaurant in Tokyo Has a Cave-Like Interior
Contemplative Wellness Retreats
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'Wellness Plesnik' is an Offshoot of a Boutique Hotel in Slovenia
Alternative Camping Cabins
Alternative Camping Cabins
The Small-Space 'Rolling Huts' are a Modern Camping Alternative
Breathtaking Interior Design Projects
Breathtaking Interior Design Projects
The Tanzanian Safari Lodges' Interior is Design-Forward
Self-Balancing Suitcases
Self-Balancing Suitcases
The 90Fun Puppy 1 is Inspired by the Segway
Birdnest Treehouse Designs
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The ORIGIN Tree House Has a Heated Spa and Chilling Area
Lightweight Vehicle Campers
Lightweight Vehicle Campers
The GFC Platform Off-Road Popup Camper Weighs in at Just 199 Pounds
Digital Art Museums
Digital Art Museums
Mori Building and teamLab are Opening a Unique Art Venue in Tokyo
Norwegian Artist Hubs
Norwegian Artist Hubs
This Northern Norway Work-Space is Built to Spark Artistic Work
Secluded Cabin Hotels
Secluded Cabin Hotels
The Lokal A-Frame Boutique Cabin Offers Comfortable, Tranquil Amenities