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Top 75 World Concepts in February

From Flight Advisor Apps to Icy Nordic Hotels

— March 8, 2015 — World
Rather than putting a focus on jetting off to somewhere sunny and warm, some of the top February 2015 world ideas put emphasis on enjoying the experiences the cold weather can bring. Some of these examples include visits to the decorative 25th iteration of Sweden's annual Icehotel, sculpted from thousands of tons of ice, or taking part in the 'Heavy Snow Region Experience' tour in Japan that has travelers pay to shovel snow.

In terms of getting to a far-off destination with ease, there are several improvements that are being made to airports and airplanes. With its Planeview app Virgin Atlantic now lets you take an augmented reality tour of its first class cabins, while pets at the JFK International Airport will soon be able to kick back and relax in a dedicated space called 'The Ark.'
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Comical Check-In Campaigns
Comical Check-In Campaigns
Kulula Shows How Convenient a Self-Serve Airline Check-In Can Be
Travel Therapy Dogs
Travel Therapy Dogs
Edmonton's International Airport Uses Dogs to Soothe Weary Travelers
Dishevelled Suitcase Stunts
Dishevelled Suitcase Stunts
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Snow Shoveling Tours
Snow Shoveling Tours
This Unusual Winter Tour in Japan Has City-Dwellers Get Out & Shovel Snow
Animal Airline Terminals
Animal Airline Terminals
'The Ark' at the JFK Airport Will Serve as a New Animal Terminal
Flight Advisor Apps
Flight Advisor Apps
Hopper Analyses Flight Prices and Tells You the Best Time to Book
Aussie Spread-Stuffed Crusts
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Pizza Hut Australia Will Be Offering a Vegemite Stuffed Pizza Crust
Virtual Travel Simulators
Virtual Travel Simulators
British Airways Uses Virtual Simulation to Mimic the Joy of Travel
Accommodating Loyalty Programs
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The Expedia+ Travel Loyalty Program Lets You Cross-Collect Rewards
Mobile Restroom Solutions
Mobile Restroom Solutions
San Francisco's Tenderloin Pit Stop Addresses Human Waste in Public
Kind Travel Campaigns
Kind Travel Campaigns
Airbnb Challenges People to Do Something Good in the World with $10
Inspiring Influencer Webisodes
Inspiring Influencer Webisodes
Westjet's Above and Beyond Series Highlights Inspiring Individuals
Streaming Television Accommodations
Streaming Television Accommodations
Marriott Hotel Introduces Netflix, Hulu and Pandora
Holiday Hypnosis Services
Holiday Hypnosis Services
Virgin Holidays Has Paul Mckenna Induce a Vacation High on the Public
Icy Nordic Hotels
Icy Nordic Hotels
The 25th Iteration of Icehotel is Built Out Of Nearly 5,000 Tons of Ice
Extravagant Safari Tours
Extravagant Safari Tours
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Dynamic UV Passports
Dynamic UV Passports
The Canadian Passports Get Exciting When Exposed to Ultraviolet Light
Chromatic Olympic Logos
Chromatic Olympic Logos
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Tourist Simulator Billboards
Tourist Simulator Billboards
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Offbeat Travel Websites
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One-Touch Luggage Locks
One-Touch Luggage Locks
The Award-Winning eGeeTouch System is Being Displayed at CES 2015
Reassuring Flight Apps
Reassuring Flight Apps
ANA's Takeoff Mode App Quells the Fear of Flying
Hedge Maze Competitions
Hedge Maze Competitions
Hotel from the ‘The Shining’ Announces a Creepy Maze Contest
VIP Lounge-Booking Apps
VIP Lounge-Booking Apps
The LoungeBuddy App Helps Air Travelers Get Airport Lounge Access
Consumer Discovery Drones
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The Fleye Quadcopter Can Scope Out Sites for Stationary Users
Luxury Wildlife Lodges
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Foreign Healthcare Platforms
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Party Guide Services
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Spontaneous Travel Apps
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The Booking Now App Provides a Personalized, Real-Time Experience
Rewarding Hotel Apps
Rewarding Hotel Apps
The Marriott Uses Hotel Beacon Technology to Personalize Experiences
On-the-Go Wi-Fi Devices
On-the-Go Wi-Fi Devices
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Foggy Dubai Photography
Foggy Dubai Photography
Daniel Cheong Captures the World's Tallest Skyscrapers in a Surreal State
War-Inspired Workouts
War-Inspired Workouts
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Travel Upgrade Games
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Fingerprint-Scanning Passport Cases
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The Identity-Securing iPassport Can Be Seen at CES 2015
Ballooner Jungle Gyms
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Palm-Sized Portable Washers
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Candy-Covered Streets
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Mock Parisian Resorts
Mock Parisian Resorts
The Parisian Brings the Romantic Feel of France to Macau
Skyscraper Ceiling Lamps
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Stalaclights Feature Upturned Forms of NYC's Iconic Modern Architecture
First Class Tour Apps
First Class Tour Apps
Virgin Atlantic Airways Launches Augmented Reality Planeview App
Curated Tourism Apps
Curated Tourism Apps
Kate's Goodness Provides Picturesque Local Travel Tips
Regional Restaurant Pop-Ups
Regional Restaurant Pop-Ups
'The Table' Has Eateries from Spain Show Off Its Meals for a Month
Travel Photography Kits
Travel Photography Kits
Fujifilm's Extravagant Globe-Trotter Photography Kit Costs $14,000
Morning Dance Parties
Morning Dance Parties
Morning Gloryville in Montreal Provides Dance and Yoga First Thing
Solar-Powered Planes
Solar-Powered Planes
The Solar Impulse 2 Will Fly Around the World in Five Months Without Any Fuel
Ethnic Motif Marketing
Ethnic Motif Marketing
Patterned Rice Packaging Visually Indicates Products' Geographic Origins
Cross-Cultural Beer Campaigns
Cross-Cultural Beer Campaigns
An English-Spanish Corona Commercial Communicates Across Continents
Jagged Glacial Architecture
Jagged Glacial Architecture
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Hotel Phone Apps
Hotel Phone Apps
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Fingerprint-Activated Luggage
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Transparent Canoes
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Real-Time Translation Apps (UPDATE)
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Psychedelic Single-Track Transport
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Futuristic Desert Cities
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Familial Pastry Packaging
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Designer Beach Kits
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Twisted Grid Towers
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Partitioned Travel Bags
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