Organizations are offering food waste solutions amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Trend - Many organizations are launching funding, toolkits, and tips to help curb food waste and deliver any excess food to those who need it most. These initiatives are geared to provide sustainable solutions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Insight - Food waste has been a major existing concern for eco-conscious consumers for a while and now, many are recognizing the need to expand the reach of these initiatives to ensure that they better fit within the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. As the pandemic has created immense economic disparity and feelings of solidarity, consumers are looking to help one another in different ways. In doing so, they gain peace of mind not only in supporting those in need but also ensuring a more eco-conscious approach even when life is disrupted.
Insight - Food waste has been a major existing concern for eco-conscious consumers for a while and now, many are recognizing the need to expand the reach of these initiatives to ensure that they better fit within the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. As the pandemic has created immense economic disparity and feelings of solidarity, consumers are looking to help one another in different ways. In doing so, they gain peace of mind not only in supporting those in need but also ensuring a more eco-conscious approach even when life is disrupted.
Workshop Question - How might your brand advocate for more sustainable choices amid a crisis?
Trend Themes
1. Zero-waste Solutions - Initiatives and funding to curb food waste during the COVID-19 pandemic are emphasizing zero-waste solutions.
2. Food Insecurity Programs - Both public and private partnerships are increasingly focused on initiatives aimed at reducing food waste in order to lessen the burden of food insecurity.
3. Food Waste-reducing Apps - Mobile applications are a growing trend for reducing food waste, connecting consumers with restaurants and vendors to rescue excess food.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality and Food Service - Restaurants and other food service companies have a major impact on food waste and utilize the most innovative solutions to fight it.
2. Non-profit and Charity - Non-profits and charities are playing an increasingly important role in food waste reduction efforts by partnering with companies and distributing rescued food to those in need.
3. Technology - Advancements in technology have given rise to innovative mobile applications and other tools for tracking and reducing food waste.