Supermarkets are offering digital entertainment to connect with consumers
Trend - In an effort to offer families ways to elevate boredom during the COVID-19 quarantine, supermarkets are offering virtual, family-centric events like live-streamed music, at-home coloring activities, and cooking lessons. These activities are free to use and offer consumers opportunities to spend time together.
Insight - In the era of social distancing, many families have been forced to forgo their usual routines of going to work, running errands, and entertainment habits. As a result, consumers are looking for ways to combat house-bound boredom while spending time with their families. They are looking to brands to provide virtual opportunities for engagement and entertainment to temporarily ease their minds from other concerns.
Insight - In the era of social distancing, many families have been forced to forgo their usual routines of going to work, running errands, and entertainment habits. As a result, consumers are looking for ways to combat house-bound boredom while spending time with their families. They are looking to brands to provide virtual opportunities for engagement and entertainment to temporarily ease their minds from other concerns.
Workshop Question - How can your brand use technology to connect with consumers during times of crisis and uncertainty?
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Family-centric Events - Supermarkets are offering virtual, family-centric events like live-streamed music, at-home coloring activities, and cooking lessons in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Bilingual Multimedia Platforms - Hispanic grocery retailers are creating bilingual multimedia platforms to keep families safely entertained while at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Virtual At-home Activities - Grocery retailers are debuting a range of virtual at-home activities including cooking classes, wine tastings, and mixology sessions to keep customers engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Entertainment - Business professionals in the digital entertainment industry can reference the trend of virtual family-centric events in supermarkets to create their own family-friendly digital experiences.
2. Multicultural Marketing - Business professionals in multicultural marketing can reference the trend of bilingual multimedia platforms in Hispanic grocery retailers to expand their brand's reach and engagement with diverse audiences.
3. Virtual Events - Business professionals in event planning and marketing can reference the trend of virtual at-home activities in grocery retailers to create their own engaging virtual events for customers.