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Twitter Mania

Microblogging reaches a fever pitch, and one service is used for both bad and good

Implications - Twitter is now hitting the mainstream. It's altering the way people communicate with each other online, and its powers can be used for either good or bad. Twitter poses some incredible opportunities for marketing and news dissemination, but the Twitter community can quickly team up against, and exploit, the wrong campaign.
Trend Themes
1. Real-time Social Media - The ability for social media platforms like Twitter to provide real-time interaction for its users provides an opportunity for businesses to invest in using one of these sites so they have a platform in which to reach this young generation of social media site users.
2. Social Media Mishaps - Companies need to be cautious when using social media as it can lead to brand damage and negative public relations, as seen in the Skittles relaunch, presenting an opportunity for businesses to create guidelines and policies to protect their brand image.
3. Celebrity Twitter Use - The use of Twitter by celebrities provides opportunities for brands to capitalize on this trend by engaging with celebrities on Twitter to promote their products and diversify their marketing strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing - The use of real-time social media provides an opportunity for marketers to engage with audiences in real-time and provide targeted, relevant content.
2. Public Relations - Social media mishaps present an opportunity for public relations professionals to create guidelines and policies to protect their brand image in the digital age.
3. Entertainment - Celebrity Twitter use creates opportunities for entertainment brands to engage with celebrities on social media platforms to promote their products and engage with fans in real-time.
12 Featured, 40 Examples:
1,080,416 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 09 — Mar 09
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Twittering Food Trucks
Twittering Food Trucks
Koji BBQ Taco Truck Fuels Hungry Angelenos
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play_circle_filledAugmented Reality Tee Shirts
Augmented Reality Tee Shirts
Squidder's E-Shirt Displays Hologram of Your Last Twitter Post
The code geniuses over at Squidder have created what is officially the coolest e-shirt I’ve ever seen--one that uses augmented reality to display a hologram of the wearer’s last Twitter post. Um,… MORE
Catastrophic Candy Branding
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Skittles Relaunches Website as Twitter Search, Offensive Tweets Ensue
I’m not sure this is what Skittles had in mind when they relaunched their website as a Twitter search. In theory, the idea was to turn into a one-stop shop for all Skittles-related activity… MORE
Twitter-Fueled TV Launches
Twitter-Fueled TV Launches
P. Diddy Leverages His 227,000 Followers for "P. Twitty TV"
With the increase in celebrities using social networking sites like Twitter, P. Diddy has cleverly used his Twitter following (which is approximately 227,000 followers at the time of writing) to launch… MORE
Microblogging A-Listers
Microblogging A-Listers
Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore Twittered from Oscars, Posted Videos
Just as we’ve had fake celebrity Facebook profiles and Twitter accounts - now we have real celebrity “Tweeps” and video footage from the Oscars. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, “the most prolific Oscar… MORE
Twitter For Saving Lives
Twitter For Saving Lives
Skiers Tracked Down Via Tweets and Google Maps
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Twitter on TV
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Replacing Yellavision With On-ScreenTweeting To Express Yourself
What a great idea. I’m always yelling at the television, and the woman that lives with me doesn’t like it one bit. But add Twitter to the bottom of the screen, and I can yell on YOUR television. Or… MORE
Twittering Surgeons
Twittering Surgeons
Social Network-Savvy Doctors Share Step-by-Step With Students
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Twittering Jurors
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Twitter Media Takeovers
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Chicago Tribune Masthead Now Features Twitter Usernames
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