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Collaborative Communities

A resurgence in empathy inspires us to work with strangers

Implications - The sour economy and financial collapse have led to a resurgence in empathy. Individuals who might never have asked for help in a boom economy are now forced to do so. And 2008’s crowdsourced insight has evolved into 2009’s collaborative communities, who prefer to tell their story face to face.
Trend Themes
1. Collaborative Communities - In a time of economic uncertainty people are searching for more empathy, encouraging face-to-face interaction resulting in collaborative communities.
2. Guerrilla Social Bonding - With people becoming more disconnected in real life, guerrilla social bonding projects have emerged as a way to form connections with strangers.
3. Modern Community Building - There is a rising trend in the search for shared community resources, such as carpooling or shared composting sites, creating a more inclusive and thoughtful neighborhood connection.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Communities - Rising trends in collaborative communities and guerrilla social bonding is creating an opportunity for digital communities to overcome physical disconnection.
2. Sustainable Living - The rising trend in sharing resources and community-based initiatives creates a big opportunity for sustainable living industries to meet the needs of these new trends.
3. Eco-tech - Eco-tech industries are in a unique position to help build new infrastructure and offer new products and services to address the collaborative efforts within the community building movement.
5 Featured, 31 Examples:
6,753,966 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 09 — Mar 09
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Collaborative Stories on Skin
Collaborative Stories on Skin
A Story Tattooed On The Bodies of 2,095 Strangers
A story tattooed in words across the bodies of 2,095 strangers started with a call out on a public forum, and slowly people started showing their interest… I am word number 275 in a story of 2,095 words.… MORE
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Collaborative Global Eco Stunts
Will Earth Hour 2009 Have More Than 50 Million Participants?
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Positivity Towards Strangers
'Validation' Reinforces the Power of Empathy
Validation is a short film that uses the phenomenon of free parking with validation to reinforce the power of positivity. The 16-minute film stars TJ Thyne as a parking validation attendant with a preponderance… MORE
Guerrilla Social Bonding
Guerrilla Social Bonding
IGotAnEnvelope Encourages You To Send and Receive Strangers' Letters
Want mail from a stranger? Not spam, but a real letter or a nice surprise? While we can't promise the letter you receive will be nice, Igotanenvelope is a project that encourages people to leave empty,… MORE
Modern Community Building
Modern Community Building For Collaborating With Neighbors
Gone are the days of not knowing your neighbors with the launch of This is a site encouraging communities to pull together and share resources, be it a communal compost site, car… MORE

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