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Social Media Intervention

Social media switches tones to push for more in-person socialization

Implications - Consumers and brands alike are putting a strong focus back on in-person socialization by creating real-life experiences that are complimented by the use of digital mediums. Brands are offering incentives to get shoppers off the Internet and into stores or experiencing their brands in more immersive ways. Many businesses are realizing that digital and physical strategies are best when paired.
Trend Themes
1. In-person Interaction Resurgence - An emphasis on in-person socialization experiences augmented by digital mediums, demonstrated by brands like Trinity Kitchen and the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile contest. Augmented reality, gamification, and social media can each further enhance these experiences.
2. Social Media-powered Information Aggregation - Innovations such as Tarikh Korula's 'Seen' app and the Uniiverse app combine all social media relevant to a certain event or location in one easily identifiable place. This opens the door for other specialized platforms that perform similar functions within different domains.
3. Interactive Brand Sampling - Brand activations such as Beam Suntory's bourbon tasting station offer interactive and memorable brand experiences for consumers. Immersive technology, like AR and VR, could take this to the next level by enhancing sensory experiences and customer education.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Brick and mortar stores can use social media to enhance the in-person experience and offer incentives for physical interaction. Interactive technologies such as AR can elevate these experiences to new heights.
2. Event Planning - Companies and individuals can use social media aggregation apps to better promote and publicize events to interested parties. Innovations in location-based advertising can take this even further by enhancing discoverability for relevant events and experiences.
3. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage companies can use social media campaigns to engage with consumers and offer interactive and enjoyable sampling experiences. The use of gamification and social media-powered contests can also make these experiences more memorable and shareable.
6 Featured, 53 Examples:
230,395 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 13 — Aug 15

Featured Examples

Touchscreen Sampling Bars
Touchscreen Sampling Bars
Beam Suntory's Interactive Booth Offers Bourbon Tasting at the Airport
At the Heinemann Duty Free shops in the Frankfurt Airport, Beam Suntory created an exciting and interactive bourbon tasting station. The multi-sensory station promotes the brand’s super-... MORE
Hashtag Currency Shops
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The Daisy Marc Jacobs Pop Up Shop Will Accept Tweets as Payment
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play_circle_filledTweet-Leased Weenie Mobiles
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Localized Social Media Marketplaces
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The Uniiverse App Makes Finding Events Simple and Fun
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Tweet-Fueled Rickshaw Rides
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