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Connected Greenery

Seeking digital integration, boomers turn to mobile methods of eco living

Implications - While aging consumers often look to retirement as a time for rest and relaxation, detaching from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day living can be quite isolating. Seeking to make leisurely activities like gardening more socially engaging, boomers are turning to apps and mobile integrations to make such eco-friendly tasks more interactive.This speaks to a desire for methods of enjoyment that offer tranquility in a more efficient, and technologically adept manner.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Gardening - Developing technology and mobile apps that enable users to manage their gardens from their mobile devices is becoming popular among aging consumers who seek to make leisurely activities like gardening more efficient and interactive.
2. Green Energy - Developing renewable energy-promoting apps and interactive platforms for consumers to learn about renewable energy solutions and service providers is growing in demand in the tech industry.
3. Online Gardening Networks - Developing online gardening networks and mobile apps that provide a virtual garden planner, garden advice, and a space for gardeners to gather online and share their gardening experiences is on the rise among gardening enthusiasts.
Industry Implications
1. Tech Industry - Developing mobile apps that enable users to manage various gardening tasks and promote eco-lifestyles is becoming a prominent aspect of the tech industry.
2. Renewable Energy Industry - Developing mobile apps that promote the use of renewable energy and provide information and service providers of renewable energy solutions is growing in demand in the renewable energy industry.
3. Gardening Industry - Developing online gardening networks and mobile apps that provide a virtual garden planner, garden advice, and a space for gardeners to gather and share their gardening experiences is becoming a prominent aspect of the gardening industry.
6 Featured, 51 Examples:
337,853 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 13 — Oct 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Futuristic In-Home Garden Systems
Futuristic In-Home Garden Systems
SproutsIO by Jennifer Broutin Farah is Easy and Eco-Friendly
SproutsIO by Jennifer Broutin Farah is a futuristic in-home garden that is meant to be controlled through a mobile app. Compatible with both Android and iOS devices, it works through an aeroponic or... MORE
play_circle_filledGreen Thumb Networks
Green Thumb Networks
Greenius is a Virtual Garden Planner and Platform for Gardeners
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Renewable Energy-Promoting Apps
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Nokia and WWF India Team Up to Create the Earth Hour 2014 App
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Garden Advice Apps
Garden Advice Apps
The Fountain App Offers Gardening Help By Solving Problems in Real-Time
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Garden-Monitoring Apps
Garden-Monitoring Apps
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play_circle_filledSensory Plant Detectors
Sensory Plant Detectors
The Flower Power App by Parrot Lets You Digitally Monitor Your Plants
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