Brands replicate social events for pet owners and their animals
Trend - Brands are catering to the bond between pet owners and their loving animals by creating events that mimic social interactions that people take part in. This shift opens the door to experiential opportunities that enhance brand and consumer relationships, by bridging urban consumers' recreational habits with their personal responsibilities.
Insight - With self-reported feelings of loneliness growing globally, many in North America are turning to alternative forms of socialization in order to take care of their mental health. Activities that are within their comfort zone and familiar to them–but that still require spending some time outside of the home–are able to offer a balance between traditional social habits like hosting or attending events with friends and family, with more unique experiences that they don't have to share with other people.
Insight - With self-reported feelings of loneliness growing globally, many in North America are turning to alternative forms of socialization in order to take care of their mental health. Activities that are within their comfort zone and familiar to them–but that still require spending some time outside of the home–are able to offer a balance between traditional social habits like hosting or attending events with friends and family, with more unique experiences that they don't have to share with other people.
Workshop Question - How can you create a personalized experience to enhance brand trust?
Trend Themes
1. Pet-friendly Socialization - Brands are creating events that mimic social interactions that people take part in, catering to the bond between pet owners and their loving animals, to enhance brand and consumer relationships, while addressing self-reported feelings of loneliness, through experiential opportunities that offer a balance between traditional social habits and unique experiences.
2. Sensory Spaces for Dogs - As different forms of enrichment are crucial to the well-being of a dog, 'The Scent Den' and other similar establishments offer safe and comfortable spaces that mentally stimulate dogs by encouraging natural, instinctive behaviors such as sniffing, exploring and investigating, thus promoting a sense of calm and confidence.
3. Elderly Companion Dogs - Pedigree's Dog Dates campaign addresses loneliness and social isolation among seniors by providing elderly people with a few hours of quality time spent with a canine companion, through dog owners' participation in the program, which caters to those who can't commit to having a dog full-time.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - By repurposing spaces to accommodate both pet owners and their pooches, businesses, from bars to hotels, can cater to a growing market that seeks to socialize outside of their homes and with their dogs.
2. Pet Care - Pet care centers and establishments can provide special enrichment spaces and events, such as sensory stimulation rooms and doggie socialization events, to cater to the special emotional and social needs of dogs, thereby enhancing their overall health and well-being.
3. Healthcare - By addressing the social and emotional needs of seniors through pet companionship, healthcare providers can improve physical and mental wellness, while also minimizing healthcare expenses associated with social isolation and depression among elderly individuals.