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Naturalized Repellant

Outdoor insect repellents naturally scent outdoor living spaces

Trend - As more consumers continue to view their outdoor spaces as extensions of their home, the need for insect repellants targeted to the naturally-inclined consumer has grown. The pleasant, naturally-derived scents of these offerings allow consumers to create a more inviting atmosphere for their outdoor spaces without relying on potentially harmful chemicals.

Insight - Today’s consumer is increasingly informed on the different ingredients that go into their food and personal care items. This has allowed them to have a greater understanding of what’s good for them, but also what may be unhealthy. Thus, these consumers are turning to brands that promise “natural” and “non-toxic” products, alleviating concerns over unknown consequences from lab-produced chemical ingredients.
Workshop Question - What is one way your brand would better tap into the growing market for natural products?
Trend Themes
1. Natural Insect Repellent - There is now a growing trend of consumers preferring natural and non-toxic outdoor insect repellents targeting the naturally-inclined consumer.
2. Non-chemical Ingredients - Consumers are looking for products that contain only natural and non-toxic ingredients to eliminate concerns over unknown consequences from lab-produced chemical ingredients.
3. Scented Insect Solutions - More products are being developed to slowly keep insects away by giving off scents in order to enhance the outdoor atmosphere with a scent that won't spoil the air.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - Personal care companies can explore creating more outdoor insect repellent products that are natural and non-toxic.
2. Home Decor - Home decor professionals can create insect repellent products that also serve as chic outdoor accessories.
3. Environmental Sustainability - Businesses can create outdoor insect repellent products that are environmentally sustainable by using non-toxic and non-chemical ingredients and packaging.
5 Featured, 26 Examples:
50,441 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 16 — Jul 19
Consumer Insight Topics:

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