Consumers seek products and services in the tech space to help stay present
Trend - As mindfulness becomes a more idealized state for consumers, tech companies are debuting products and services that allow their customers to interact with their products in a way that supports a life lived with more presence.
Insight - As consumers become better educated on the potentially negative impact of technology on their lives, they're spending both time and money on products and services that help protect themselves from these potential issues. This falls in line with many consumers' preoccupation with self-improvement in nearly every aspect of one's life.
Insight - As consumers become better educated on the potentially negative impact of technology on their lives, they're spending both time and money on products and services that help protect themselves from these potential issues. This falls in line with many consumers' preoccupation with self-improvement in nearly every aspect of one's life.
Workshop Question - How could you update your offering to better support the personal development goals of your consumer?
Trend Themes
1. Rise of Mindfulness Culture - As mindfulness and self-improvement becomes a more idealized state for consumers, tech companies are debuting products and services that allow customers to interact with their technology in ways that support a life lived with more presence.
2. Anti-distraction Technology - As consumers become better educated on the potentially negative impact of technology on their lives, they're spending time and money on products and services that help protect themselves from these potential issues.
3. Notification Management - Consumers seek products and services in the tech space that minimize the need to constantly check for updates, enabling them to remain present in life experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Tech companies are designing and developing anti-distraction products and services, tapping into the mindfulness culture, which has created a need for unobtrusive technology that enables users to find balance in their lives.
2. Personal Wellness - The rise of mindfulness culture has led to the creation of products and services that help protect individuals from potential negative impacts of technology on their mental health, physical health, and overall well-being.
3. App Development - App developers are responding to the growing need for anti-distraction technology that enables users to manage notifications and take breaks from app usage to prioritize their well-being.