Healthcare providers look to big data for better customer service
Implications - As brands look to fulfill accelerated consumer expectations around access to services, many healthcare facilities are looking at qualitative information gleaned from big data to redesign the customer experience. In addition to streamlining operations, this process highlights the opportunity to accelerate existing parts of a product or service by accumulating insight into the consumer experience and making subtle, but extremely well-informed tweaks. This ensures innovation within a familiar capacity.
Workshop Question - What are the opportunities for personalization within your industry and how can you leverage Big Data to accelerate your offering?
Trend Themes
1. Big Data-driven Healthcare - Healthcare providers are leveraging big data to develop qualitative insights that can improve the overall customer experience and drive innovation through subtle and well-informed tweaks to existing processes. Disruptive opportunities include the use of predictive analysis, automated appointments, and personalized healthcare data systems.
2. Patient-centered Healthcare - Increasingly, healthcare providers are embracing new designs, technologies and novel approaches to improve patient centered care, in the form of new clinic environments and app-based services to cure ailments faster. Disruptive innovation opportunities in health care include smart connected devices and user-friendly healthcare platforms.
3. Mobile Healthcare Interfaces - App-based healthcare services enable consumers to use smartphones as a virtual bridge between them and physicians, offering new ways to seek medical treatment and obtain health advice, including healthcare insurance at low cost. Disruptive innovation opportunities include voice-controlled virtual assistants, chatbots, and other personalized healthcare applications
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Technology - The use of big data-driven tools to assess patient data and redesign healthcare is booming, with emerging devices such as smart connected stethoscopes and automated appointment services to help doctors reach accurate diagnosis and enable comprehensive patient care across mobile interfaces.
2. Retail and Consumer Goods - Retail industries are embracing advanced induction hearing loops for visually challenged individuals and making customer-centric innovations decisions to cater to customer needs, including hearing assistance devices for customers suffering from hearing loss to better communicate with store employees in order to improve customer satisfaction.
3. Insurance and Finance - Low-cost healthcare, predictive analysis platforms, and personalized healthcare data systems offered by companies using big data are now available to insurance and finance companies to help improve health care and reduce costs for consumers.