Molecular elements become more prevalent in cuisine
Implications - The biological and chemical science of food preparation, molecular gastronomy, has been around for decades. However, it is only recently that the science and art form is receiving more widespread attention from both establishments and food consumers. More restaurants are centering themselves on the theme of molecular gastronomy, hoping to attract patrons through their intriguing chemical and physical food processes and laboratory-style kitchens. Likewise, innovations allowing consumers to try out their own molecular meals at home are also on the rise.
Trend Themes
1. Molecular Gastronomy - Innovation opportunities for creating unique dining experiences and developing new cooking techniques.
2. Molecular Mixology - Innovation opportunities for developing new cocktail making techniques and creating interactive drinking experiences.
3. Digestion-inspired Design - Innovation opportunities for exploring the experience of eating food and creating unique and interactive dinnerware.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can incorporate molecular gastronomy and mixology to create unique dining experiences and drinks.
2. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can incorporate digestion-inspired designs to create unique and interactive dining experiences for guests.
3. Consumer Goods - Innovation opportunities to develop home molecular gastronomy and mixology kits and digestion-inspired dinnerware for home use.