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Adaptive Gaming

DIYers can't stop customizing their consoles and controllers

Implications - While any new gaming console is sure to be coveted by avid gamers, being new just isn’t enough. That console is most likely going to be adapted and modified at the whim of the DIY gamer who desires customization. Serious gamers aren’t afraid to turn the run-of-the-mill console or controller into something truly different and one-of-a-kind. To this end, even customization attempts by major gaming brands—such as themed consoles and limited-edition systems—might not be enough.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Modifications - Gamers are increasingly looking to customize their gaming consoles and controllers through DIY projects.
2. Retro Gaming Nostalgia - Retro gaming is experiencing a resurgence as gamers seek to capture the essence of classic gaming systems.
3. Eco-friendly Gaming Consoles - There is a growing trend of eco-conscious gamers seeking out gaming consoles and controllers made from sustainable materials.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Hardware Manufacturing - Gaming hardware manufacturers can capitalize on the trend of DIY modifications by selling customizable, modular gaming consoles and controllers.
2. Retro Gaming Accessories - Retro gaming accessory manufacturers can design and sell add-ons that enhance the gaming experience for classic consoles and controllers.
3. Eco-friendly Consumer Products - Manufacturers of eco-friendly consumer products can partner with gaming hardware manufacturers to create sustainable gaming consoles and controllers.
6 Featured, 48 Examples:
696,822 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 11 — Jul 11

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