Companies are eliminating unnecessary contact with portable gadgets
Trend - With the COVID-19 outbreak, brands are launching antimicrobial designs that help consumers eliminate unnecessary contact. These designs act as an extensions of the hand to limit contact with any lingering bacteria on public surfaces such as door handles and shopping carts.
Insight - The global threat of COVID-19 raises concerns for hygiene and sanitation more than ever before. Consumers are more conscious of what they come in contact with and are mindfully eliminating any germs from spreading. As a result, they turn to products that prioritize hygiene in ways that seamlessly blend into daily life.
Insight - The global threat of COVID-19 raises concerns for hygiene and sanitation more than ever before. Consumers are more conscious of what they come in contact with and are mindfully eliminating any germs from spreading. As a result, they turn to products that prioritize hygiene in ways that seamlessly blend into daily life.
Workshop Question - How can your company develop products that adapt to life after COVID-19?
Trend Themes
1. Antimicrobial Designs - Due to the increase in global hygiene concerns, brands are launching antimicrobial designs and fashionably hygienic tools to help consumers prioritize hygiene in their daily lives.
2. Multipurpose Hand Gadgets - As consumers are more conscious of what they come in contact with, the demand for versatile and sustainable hand gadgets, is on the rise.
3. Anti-contact Keychains - The use of anti-contact keychains that are made from naturally antimicrobial materials such as copper and zinc, has increased due to the level of awareness on the spread of pathogens in public spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The consumer electronics industry has been impacted by the rise of antimicrobial and hygienic designs to limit contact with pathogens on public surfaces and gadgets.
2. Fashion - The fashion industry has an opportunity to create versatile and fashionably hygienic accessories, such as multi-purpose gadgets and keychains, that seamlessly blend into everyday life.
3. Retail - As consumers avoid public surfaces, the retail industry has an opportunity to adopt contactless payment options and install door handles that are easily accessible using multipurpose gadgets.