Brands are launching virtual events to find and hire employees
Trend - As in-person events become restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, various brands are launching virtual job fairs to find talent while maintaining social distancing regulations. These span from individual companies looking to fill new roles to talent recruiters seeking to meet candidates.
Insight - The COVID-19 pandemic has lead many consumers to struggle financially as many employers are forced to lay off staff and freelance work becomes more limited. These consumers are forced into an uncertain job market and lack the opportunity to meet employers in-person—significantly impacting traditional methods of job hunting. As a result, they are turning to brands to provide virtual opportunities to find employment from the safety of their homes.
Insight - The COVID-19 pandemic has lead many consumers to struggle financially as many employers are forced to lay off staff and freelance work becomes more limited. These consumers are forced into an uncertain job market and lack the opportunity to meet employers in-person—significantly impacting traditional methods of job hunting. As a result, they are turning to brands to provide virtual opportunities to find employment from the safety of their homes.
Workshop Question - How can your brand shift its services to reach consumers virtually?
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Job Fairs for Hiring - COVID-19 has forced many brands to move their in-person job fairs to virtual ones which allow for hiring while maintaining social distancing regulations.
2. Career Exploration Through Augmented Reality - Virtual events like Pot Noodle's career fair are providing job seekers with an opportunity to explore and experience new career options through augmented reality.
3. Virtual Job Fairs with Improved Candidate Experience - Virtual job fairs like In-TAC's digital job fair utilize virtual booths, chat rooms, and an auditorium that make job seekers feel like they are attending an in-person event, thus improving candidate experience.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Human resource professionals need to adapt to using virtual job fairs as an effective way of recruiting new hires while maintaining a safe and cost-effective environment.
2. Education - Academic institutions will need to provide virtual career exploration events, such as online job fairs, to help graduating students and alumni gain employment amidst a tight job market.
3. Technology - Virtual job fairs are rapidly becoming more popular, and businesses specializing in virtual events can provide platforms that not only allows for employers to hire remotely but provide candidates with an immersive candidate experience.
4 Featured, 20 Examples:
24,899 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 20 — May 20
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