Everyday items come with self-sanitizing functions to ensure hygiene
Trend - Self-sanitizing devices are on the rise as people become more aware of how bacteria and viruses spread and impact health. Everyday items that are accompanied with self-sanitizing capabilities include everything from earbuds to shaving devices.
Insight - Sanitation is now top of mind for consumers as they navigate a world in which COVID-19 remains a looming threat, even as countries slowly go back to business as usual. The greater understanding that consumers now have of health and hygiene practices has resulted in their purchase decisions being impacted, with a greater focus on how their habits and purchases may impact their health in both positive and negative ways.
Insight - Sanitation is now top of mind for consumers as they navigate a world in which COVID-19 remains a looming threat, even as countries slowly go back to business as usual. The greater understanding that consumers now have of health and hygiene practices has resulted in their purchase decisions being impacted, with a greater focus on how their habits and purchases may impact their health in both positive and negative ways.
Workshop Question - How is your brand preparing for new consumer behaviors post-COVID?
Trend Themes
1. Self-sanitizing Devices - The trend in self-sanitizing devices is increasing as people become more conscious of health and hygiene practices.
2. UV Sterilization - UV sterilization is a key technology for the self-sanitizing functions of these devices.
3. Copper and Titanium Infused Materials - Materials such as copper and titanium are being integrated into designs to provide inherent self-sanitizing capabilities.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - The personal care industry can take advantage of the trend in self-sanitizing devices and integrate UV sterilization and other technologies into their products.
2. Hospitality - The hospitality industry can benefit from integrating self-sanitizing devices in guest rooms, lobbies, and restaurants to ensure that guests remain healthy and safe while traveling.
3. Workplace - Self-sanitizing devices can be added to the workplace to help employees maintain a clean and healthy environment, reduce the spread of germs and viruses, and promote productivity.