Brands are launching masks for athletes to wear while exercising or playing sports
Trend - In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing masks while in public has become the new social norm, and brands are launching curated masks to be worn while exercising or playing sports. These masks feature specific qualifications that will address the need to offer both protection and performance.
Insight - Amid COVID-19, consumers want to get back to their regular activities as soon as possible and will likely resume these activities before a vaccine is available to the public. The post-pandemic world will likely look different, with new social norms being implemented that consumers aren't yet accustomed to. This demographic is turning to brands to provide curated offerings that allow them to resume pre-pandemic activities safely.
Insight - Amid COVID-19, consumers want to get back to their regular activities as soon as possible and will likely resume these activities before a vaccine is available to the public. The post-pandemic world will likely look different, with new social norms being implemented that consumers aren't yet accustomed to. This demographic is turning to brands to provide curated offerings that allow them to resume pre-pandemic activities safely.
Workshop Question - How can your brand cater its products/services to protect niche markets?
Trend Themes
1. Athletic Mask Technology - As consumers continue to prioritize health and wellness during the pandemic, there is an opportunity for brands to innovate athletic masks that provide both protection and performance for various sports and workout activities.
2. Advanced Air Filtration - Technological advancements in air filtration materials have resulted in high-performance masks that capture a minimum of 95% of particles during daily activities- a trend that can be applied to various industries to promote health safety.
3. Respiratory Training Technology - The development of respiratory training masks presents opportunities in the fitness industry as consumers seek to improve breathing during physical activities by building respiratory muscles.
Industry Implications
1. Athletic Equipment Industry - With demand for athletic masks increasing due to COVID-19 concerns, manufacturers within the athletic equipment industry can focus on developing performance-based masks that cater to the needs of athletes.
2. Health Care Industry - The development of advanced air filtration masks can immensely benefit the healthcare industry for personal protection of medical professionals and to prevent airborne diseases.
3. Fitness Industry - Respiratory training masks present an innovation opportunity for the fitness industry to offer advanced training masks that improve respiratory function and enhance sporting performance.