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Alternative Sanitizer

Designers are launching concepts to aid with public sanitation post-COVID

Trend - Design studios are creating mock-ups for sanitation and these products aim to potentially alleviate the stress of being in public spaces in a post-COVID-19 world. Although mostly conceptual, these designs offer a glimpse into new, accessible developments that can be useful for many businesses.

Insight - As businesses open and people return to work after government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, consumers are excited but also wary of the still existing threat to their health. Many have developed and grown accustomed to stronger hygiene routines and as a result, place emphasis on continuing to uphold these new habits in outdoor spaces. Thus, individuals feel more prone to be in spaces that are mindful of outbreak-prevention measures even after lockdown.
Workshop Question - How can your brand alleviate consumer stress in a tense situation?
Trend Themes
1. Sanitation Design - Design studios are creating mock-ups for sanitation and these products offer new, accessible developments that can be useful for many businesses.
2. Whimsical Sanitization - Designers are rethinking the way hand sanitizers are formulated and introducing an element of whimsy to the hand-cleansing ritual.
3. Stylish Health - There is a growing demand for stylish sanitization products and designers are paying attention to stylistic details and creating products that facilitate a certain modern appeal.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The sanitation designs can be used in healthcare facilities to enhance infection prevention measures and create safer environments for both healthcare professionals and patients.
2. Hospitality - These products have the potential to become fixtures in everything from event venues and airports to hotels and restaurants to create a safer and more hygienic environment for guests and staff.
3. Retail - There is a growing demand for stylish sanitization products that can be integrated into retail spaces for customers to conveniently sanitize and feel safe while shopping.
4 Featured, 30 Examples:
124,020 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 20 — Jun 20
V. Hot
Consumer Insight Topics:

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